

Psalms of the Kingdom

July 30, 2017 • Brian Coles

Pastor Brian Coles brings us the fifth and final message in our Psalms Series.

Psalms of Wisdom

July 23, 2017 • Gary Buck

Ever get a song stuck in your head? The Psalms are a collection of poems and songs, specifically written to be repeated by others. And in that sense, they are unique in the Bible. The psalms were both personal and corporate at the same time. The Psalms are full of wisdom! What if the church was wise? What if our nation was wise?.... One of the greatest epidemics facing our world is FOOLISHNESS. Why?

Psalms of Lament

July 16, 2017 • Lester Zimmerman

Psalms of Lament or also referred to as the Pit Songs. They were written while the Psalmist was feeling discouraged and overwhelmed with life. While he was in the pit of discouragement and feeling like God had deserted him. A number of times the Psalmist describes himself as being in the pit of despair. The Psalms are so encouraging because as we read them we realize we are not alone in what we are experiencing and they help put into words what we are feeling and sometimes what we are afraid to say to God. They show us how to live in a fallen world full of pain and disappointment. They show us how to hang onto God when we are in the pit. David doesn’t hold back and God is ok with that. He dumps his doubts, fears, anger, feelings of God deserting him, wanting to get even with people. God gives us permission to lament. That’s why we have all these Psalms to help us get in touch with our emotions and express them. God doesn’t want us to pretend.

Psalms of Thanksgiving

July 9, 2017 • Dave Hess

Dave Hess, Senior Pastor of Christ Community Church, brings us the message Psalms of Thanksgiving, Fully Enjoying Forgiveness.

Psalms of Praise

July 2, 2017 • Lester Zimmerman

This morning we are beginning a five-part message series on the book of Psalms. In this series, you will see yourself. You will connect with the emotions of the Psalmist and you will be strengthened by the faith of the Psalmist. Life Empowering Truths: There are a number of life empowering truths that are repeated through this book that will affect your life. Let me mention four to look for. • God is on His Throne - Throughout this book the theme of God being on his throne is repeated again and again. At some points, the Psalmist is feeling defeated and overwhelmed but he always comes back to the realization that God is on his throne. No matter what is going on in your life right now and no matter what might happen in the future this one truth rings loud and clear. God is in control. God has the final word. God is working behind the scenes to accomplish his greater purposes. And in the end God’s people win! • God is all powerful and God is always faithful and loving with his children. We not only serve a powerful God but one who is loving, faithful, compassionate and very patient with us. David had this revelation of God before Jesus came. He didn’t view God as an angry God toward his children. • God invites us to share the good, bad and ugly parts of our heart with him. David doesn’t hold back and God is ok with that. He dumps his doubts, fears, anger, feelings of God deserting him, wanting to get even with people and all the ugly things he was feeling. • Praise is both pleasing to God and healing for our soul. Something happens to us when we praise God. When we stop complaining and begin praising. Our perspective begins to change. Our heart is encouraged. Faith begins to flow into those hard places. I trust God to stir and impart these truths into our hearts as we go through this study.