
Lifestyle Christianity

Part 6

October 29, 2017 • Lester Zimmerman

Today is the last part of our ALL IN series. We have been exploring what it means to go all in with God. What it means to be fully surrendered to Him. The sad reality is that it is possible for us to go to church every week and never go ALL IN with Jesus. That’s called religion and there is no life or power in it.
The Christian life is meant to be so much more than that. God wants us to live by faith - not fear, play offense - not defense, use all we got,
holding nothing back, being surrendered fully to his purpose in our lives. We don’t just add Jesus to our lives like another friend on Facebook. Jesus calls his followers to abandon all to him, go all-in, give it all up.
You see, Christianity is more of a way of life then a belief system. We are called “followers of Jesus” which means we follow his example, his teachings, his moral code, his daily direction in our lives. We are to make our faith our lifestyle not just a Sunday morning experience!
We are - Empowered by God for daily encounters. Following Jesus is not easy, but it is fulfilling with eternal rewards. Going ALL IN means different things to different people. In this series we tried not to create a rigid definition of what it means to go ALL IN. Instead we asked a key question each week to challenge our hearts.
Today’s question is: Is my devotion to God consistent and enduring?

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