
Edible Evidence: Part 1

August 6, 2017 • Lester Zimmerman

Today we are beginning a two-part series on the nine characteristics of a Spirit-filled Christian. These are listed in Galatians, chapter 5. The Apostle Paul, the author of Galatians, refers to these characteristics as the fruit of the Spirit. We have entitled the series “Edible Evidence”. In other words, the evidence or proof of being a Christian is in the type of fruit you exhibit. It should be good edible fruit that attracts people to you and gives honor to God.
Jesus said we should be recognized by the fruit of the Spirit in our lives. He said every good tree produces good fruit and a bad tree bears bad fruit. The Christians at Galatia were having a hard time lining up their walk with their talk. They kept struggling with inner heart issues. Paul explains to them and us what it means to walk and live in the Spirit.