

May 7, 2017 • Lester Zimmerman

The people we read about in the bible were flawed people like you and me but that didn’t stop God from calling them and using them. The primary lesson in all of this is that you don’t have to have it all together to be used of God. Today we are looking at the unlikely person of Peter.
Peter's original name was Simon until Jesus changed it to Peter. Peter live the tough life of a fisherman. He and James and John were partners in the fishing business.
Peter was married and he and his wife would often travel together in ministry. Peter met Jesus through his brother Andrew who took him to meet Jesus. In the natural Peter was a poor candidate for the ministry. He wasn’t the most pleasant, kind and considerate person to be around.
If he was in the school year book he probably would have been listed as the most unlikely to succeed as a leader in the church. The most unlikely to be chosen.