
Angel Armies

November 27, 2016 • Lester Zimmerman

For those who follow the Christmas calendar you know that today is the first day of Advent. Advent is a four-week period before Christmas where people prepare their hearts to celebrate the birth of Christ.
Leading up to Christmas and throughout the Christmas story we see a lot of angelic activity. So, I thought I would take some time this morning to talk about the reality of angels in our lives today.
An angel visited Mary with the news of her being the chosen one to give birth to the Christ child and angels announced the good news to the shepherds.
Angels are seen all over the bible carrying out the purposes of God and helping God’s people. Angels are mentioned at least 108 times in the Old Testament and 165 times in the New Testament. They continue to be very active today.
In our western intellectual world view we tend to dismiss angelic encounters in our lives as coincidences. We say things like we were really lucky that we survived an accident. Or it was a coincidence that a stranger showed up to help us.