
Shattering The Lies

Part 1

November 5, 2017 • Gary Buck

Today, we are beginning a new sermon series called “Resilient”. The definition of Resilient is, "Able to withstand and recover quickly from difficult conditions." As Christians, I'd like to add something to the definition of “resilient:” “Able to withstand, recover and thrive in the midst of difficult conditions.”
During this series we’ll be discussing how to combat temptation and the war on worship. We begin this series by talking about our adversary, the enemy of our soul, Satan. And more specifically, his LIES.

More from Resilient

Keeping Our Eyes On Jesus

November 26, 2017 • Lester Zimmerman

We are wrapping up a three-part series called Resilient. The focus is on being resilient in the face of spiritual http://warfare.so far, we looked at how to stand against the lies of the enemy and how to get back up when we fall into temptation. Today we will talk about how praise and worship makes us resilient in the midst of spiritual warfare. Spiritual warfare is a very real part of our lives and world in which we live. The Apostle Paul says there are demonic principalities and powers at work behind the scenes. We have an enemy of our souls who is looking for ways to keep us from God and if he fails at that, he does what he can to limit us in our service to God. Jesus describes Satan as a thief. Yet as God’s children we have been given spiritual weapons to stand against and defeat him. We need NOT walk in fear, but we do need to walk in wisdom and spiritual understanding.

Getting Back Up

November 12, 2017 • Lester Zimmerman

We are in the midst of a three-part series called Resilient. The focus is on being resilient in the face of spiritual warfare. Last week we looked at what it means to stand strong and be resilient against the lies of the enemy. Today we will talk about being resilient with temptation. The definition of resilient we are using is: “Being able to withstand and recover quickly from difficult conditions.” Being able to bounce back and get up after being knocked down. God wants to teach us to be resilient in our faith. To recover quickly when we are knocked down. To resist or rise above whatever life throws at us. instead of talking about all the ways to resist temptation we will look at it from a different angle. Let's talk about how we respond when we fail the temptation test. To be resilient means - when we fall we get back up quickly.