
It's People

February 11, 2018 • Lester Zimmerman

The word “church” today is often used to describe the place where Christians meet to worship - an address and a building. We say, “I’m going to church” or “Which church do you attend?” We know what we mean but it’s good to be reminded that the church is God’s people who come together to carry out his mission. It is not a building. The church is born again followers of Jesus, committed to sharing the transforming message of Jesus in every way possible.

More from Be The Church

Our Values

March 11, 2018 • Lester Zimmerman

This message is the last of the “Be The Church Series”. Today we look at the values that followers of Jesus have as they live out their lives in a counter-culture way. Jesus did not instruct us to build monasteries and go hide away from the world until he returns. Instead he told us to go and engage the world around us. The challenge is for us to stay relevant and friends with the people around us without beginning to think like them.

Growing Spiritually: The Gospel According To Jesus

March 4, 2018 • Jim Wetzel

Jim Wetzel shares a message on spiritual growth; What does it mean to believe in God? What does it mean to believe in Jesus? What is it that God requires?

It's Love

February 25, 2018 • Lester Zimmerman

This week we want to focus on how God calls us to love one another. The hallmark of Jesus was how he loved people. He cared the same for both the rich and the poor, the educated and uneducated, the Jew and gentile. He was no respecter of persons. This is how God wants us to be known. This is what it means to be the church. We reflect Jesus to the people around us. How we care for and treat each other has a great impact on our testimony to people who are looking for something real and authentic. In other words, the way we love each other validates our message.