
Power Tools

March 12, 2017 • Lester Zimmerman

Today we wrap up our series on Living Supernaturally. In this series we have been exploring what it means to be a follower of Jesus. Being a follower of Jesus is much more then praying the sinner’s prayer, trying to live a good moral life, and going to Heaven when we die.
When we follow Jesus, we don’t just become good people. We become kingdom citizens empowered by our king to live supernatural lives. If we as followers of Jesus are going to make a difference, we need to know how to walk and live in the supernatural. Our mission assignment is to continue to do the works of Jesus of seeking the lost, setting those in bondage free and proclaiming the good news of Jesus.
To do the works that Jesus did we need the same spiritual power tools that Jesus used. And the good news is they are still available to us today.