
Let Us Pray

January 14, 2018 • Brian Coles

We have an exciting week ahead of us as a church, it is a week that we have set aside as a church family for congregational prayer and fasting. It’s a week that we are asking each one of you as individuals, as families to dedicate intentional and excessive time to seeking God in prayer. Our elders are calling for a fast. That you would not eat, or if not eating is not an option for you that you would give us a hobby, entertainment to create space for prayer. So why would we do that?
There is something about new beginnings and fresh starts that cause us to evaluate: who we were, who we are, who we want to be, what we have done, what we are doing, what we are going to do, where we have been, where we are, and where are we going.
There is something about a new season that causes us to examine our priorities, the things we have valued with our time, energy and resources. If we do that well, if we pray well, if we listen to the spirit of God well, he will deposit something in us that I have found more valuable to me than anything else on the planet.
Vision: Vision is a picture of the future that produces passion.
Vision determines direction, Vision confirms calling, Vision infuses identity, Vision translates into tasks.

Celebrating God's Work Through Us

January 7, 2018 • Lester Zimmerman

Each new year brings with it new possibilities and new opportunities. God’s grace is more than enough for what each one of us will face this year. So, we begin the year with peace in our hearts knowing that God is in control. In two weeks we will begin a week of prayer and fasting to prepare our hearts for what God wants to do in us and through us this year. Each year we ask God to give us a theme for the year. Since this year is our 35th anniversary as a church, we decided to make it a year of celebrating what God has and is doing among us. He has done and is doing great things. He is using us to impact our families, friends, community and world. So, our theme for 2018 is “Celebrating Gods Work Through Us”. We know it is because of God’s faithfulness that we stand here today. It is by his power and might that we have been able to see many lives changed and the nations reached. So, we celebrate God and give him the glory!