
The Power of Forgiveness

April 2, 2017 • Lester Zimmerman

The willingness to forgive can bring people through the deepest kinds of pain and transform their lives into something beautiful, propelling them into their destiny. The unwillingness to forgive shrivels up a person’s soul, physically destroys their health, and produces all kinds of spiritual bondage.
• Forgiveness is the power to heal wounds and right wrongs.
• It is the power to overcome offenses.
• It is the power to show grace and mercy.
• It is the power to restore relationships.
• It is the power to heal memories and walk in new freedom.
Of all the spiritual traits, the one that is the most important and probably the hardest is the ability to forgive. If you want to live a joy-filled life, a spirit-filled life, and a life that makes a difference, it is important to walk in forgiveness toward others.