
Kingdom People

August 28, 2016 • Lester Zimmerman

Today we are beginning a three-part series on the Kingdom of God. The understanding of being part of a kingdom is central to our Christian faith but is often not emphasized or understood by much of the church.
We talk about being saved and born again but that is just part of the gospel message. We are not only called to be saved, we are called to embrace and participate in the advancement of God’s kingdom on earth.
- The understanding of the kingdom lies at the very heart of the gospel.
The way you and I live our lives is directly related to our understanding of the Kingdom of God.
As a young Christian I was not taught about the kingdom of God. My spiritual goal was to endure until Jesus comes and make it to heaven.
Our goal in this study is that we would become more kingdom minded in how we think and how we live our everyday lives.
- We want to seek first the kingdom. Live and breathe the kingdom.
- We want to become kingdom people that confront the forces of darkness and advance God’s agenda on the earth.
Jesus message is not just about being saved it is about us becoming part of a kingdom that is invading the earth. Wherever Jesus went he talked to the people about the Kingdom of God. That was his main message. But he didn’t just talk about the kingdom he
also demonstrated the power of the kingdom.