
Discussion Guide | Week 1

Matthew 5:13-16

April 18, 2021

Discussion questions are below. For the complete guide, click on the button titled, "Full Commentary"

Discussion Questions

1. What does Jesus’ use of salt and light as analogies teach you about what it means to follow him? How can we as believers “stop being salty” or “have our light hidden”?

2. According to Jesus, what is the purpose of doing good works out in the open? What does it take to maintain that perspective as we seek to do good in this world?

3. What are some practical things we should build into our lives so that we walk in the light of Jesus?

4. Based on our reading this week, what do you think it means to walk in darkness? What is the danger of living this way?

5. In Ephesians 2:1-10, Paul taught that good works do not save us, and yet we are created in Christ Jesus for good works. How do you think we can accept the truth of salvation by grace through faith and yet still properly understand the importance of doing what is right and good?

6. How does Philippians 2:12-18 deepen your understanding of what it means be a light in the world?

7. How does John’s writing in 1 John 1:5-10 and 1 John 2:7-11 help you grasp what it looks like to walk in the light of Christ?