
Discussion Guide | Week 3

Matthew 5:21-26

May 2, 2021

Discussion questions are below. For the complete guide, click on the button titled, "Full Commentary"

Discussion Questions

1. Do you think that Jesus “raises the bar” of the Mosaic Law that forbids murder when he teaches that anger towards another person will bring judgment? Why or why not?

2. How does Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 5:22 frame your understanding about how we are to view and treat other people?

3. What do you learn about the importance of relationships from Jesus’ examples in Matthew 5:23-26?

4. Justice has become a popular topic in our culture. How do we determine what is true justice?

5. What does Genesis 4:1-10 teach you about the connection between anger and murder?

6. Based on what John writes in 1 John 3:11-15, does hatred towards others demonstrate that a person is not a follower of Jesus? How are we to apply this passage personally?

7. Consider what James writes in James 1:19-21. What role does the Word of God play in helping us to obey God by pushing away selfish sinful desires?

8. Do you think it is possible for a human being to have “righteous anger” (Ephesians 4:26)? How can we maintain a heart of forgiveness towards other people (Ephesians 4:32)?