
Discussion Guide

Week 1

March 21, 2021

(For the detailed commentary on this week's reading, click on the "Full Commentary" button)

Discussion Questions

1. God worked to deliver Israel from being enslaved by the Egyptians. What is your reaction to the final – and very violent – plague that caused the death of the firstborn Egyptian males?

2. Consider how God established the Passover. Place yourself into the Jewish culture. What would this mean to you each time you observed it?

3. As we move towards Holy Week, what parallels do you see between the Passover and the work that Jesus accomplished on the cross?

4. Imagine hearing that after a life of slavery, you were now being immediately released and urged to leave quickly. How would you feel? How does this connect to our standing as being set free from bondage to sin?

5. In Exodus 14:10-14, we read about how God’s people responded to the threat of the approaching Egyptian army. How does their reaction speak to your heart? How does Moses’ message challenge and encourage you?

6. How do you relate to the song of praise in Exodus 15? How does this song speak to your heart about who God is and why we should give Him praise?