
Discussion Guide | Week 5

Matthew 5:33-37

May 16, 2021

Discussion questions are below. For the complete guide, click on the button titled, "Full Commentary"

Discussion Questions

1. Have you ever dealt with someone who did not keep their word? How did that affect the way you viewed them?

2. Do you think other people see you as someone who keeps your word? Why or why not?

3. In your own experience, can trust be regained once it has been broken? Explain your answer.

4. This week’s reading included verses that showed how God is connected to His creation, and the structures that have been used in worshiping Him. What does it mean to you to know that as believers, we are the temple of God? How is this connected to the importance of keeping our word?

5. Do you have a hard time saying “no” when someone asks you to do something? How does Jesus’ teaching of using a simple “yes” or “no” help you see the value of saying “no” to people?

6. Why are the values of honesty and integrity so important within the body of Christ?