
01 Christian Weddings Marriage & Courtship

John Alley

John Alley

In this series, John Alley sets out to challenge the assumptions many Christians have concerning wedding and courtship. We have lost the concept of Holy Matrimony, and consequently all else suffers as a result. We have also lost the art of creating sense of occasion, and weddings need to be re-invented. The wedding reception, as well as the wedding service, should be holy, Christ-centred, and honouring to all, instead of the crass rubbish we often get, because many today have no idea of the purpose of marriage, and many Christian young people today model their wedding plans on the surrounding culture, simply because the church has been too busy with other things, and has not appropriately taught marriage and family values but rather assumed these things were in place.

After teaching these messages, John received more positive and excited feedback than for most other teaching. This indicates these messages are touching a real need.