
Faith for Tomorrow, The Finale

Sunday, June 12, 2016

June 12, 2016 • Dale Oquist

Life’s existence can often be like a long road trip; making you wonder, “When will we ever get there?” Always another step, always another level, and everyone around always ratcheting up expectations. Ample movement and no progress. And the question that begins to spring in your spirit, “Is any of this really going anywhere?”
On Sunday, Dale shared the finale of our Seize Tomorrow series, “Faith for Tomorrow.” Faith for Tomorrow is dynamic and not static. While static faith just tries to maintain and hold on without getting swept away, dynamic faith is the faith that says, “I can’t stay here. I’ve got to move on. Give me that mountain!”
May we be people who look out in the distance and see a journey with Jesus so incredible, we can’t stay where we are.