
Free Me

Free to Free Others

Bryan Pope • John 17:18, James 1:22–25, Galatians 5:13–14, Isaiah 61:1, Luke 4:18–21

Throughout the Free Me series, we have explored the freedoms that God offers us —from forgiveness and our choice to believe (or not), to the freedom to live the fullest life possible. Maybe you have decided to embrace a life of freedom; maybe you are considering what a life of freedom looks like when you follow Jesus. If you say yes to the freedom that Jesus offers, then what comes next? What do we do with this freedom? It is the right question to ask. What you do with your freedom is critical and urgent outside the walls of our homes and our churches today. Your freedom has an unprecedented power that, when unleashed, becomes the catalyst to set others free from what binds them. Find out how in this final message of the Free Me series.

Free to Live

July 10, 2022 • Angie Frame • 1 Peter 2:16, Galatians 5:1, Romans 6:22–23, Matthew 7:13–14, John 10:10

When we think of our freedoms, we tend to forget about the inherent one of living. We’re free to live another day; that’s a gift from God. He wants us to use this gift to live freely. And yet, we allow ourselves to be owned and trapped by all sorts of things: Debt and Greed, Expectations and Fear, Pride and Insecurity, Regret and Resentment. We make those choices. We allow it. But that’s not what God wants for us; and He came to earth as a human, lived and died, so that we could be fully free. So the question is–are you exercising your freedom to live a full life?

Free to Choose

July 3, 2022 • Ellis Hopson • Joshua 24:15, Luke 14:28–33, John 3:16–18, Deuteronomy 30:15–20, Exodus 20:3–5

We make tens of thousands of choices every day. Freedom goes hand-in-hand with choice. Because in order to choose one thing, you’re NOT choosing something else. This is where our faith comes into the conversation. Because out of all the choices a person can make, whether big or small, there is one choice that stands above the rest—one that informs every other choice you can make: we have the choice to believe in God…or not.

Free to Forgive

June 26, 2022 • Vernon Gordon

Freedom is a great thought but not always as simple as it sounds. Especially when it comes to being bound by hurts and offenses. The question isn’t IF someone will hurt your feelings…it’s WHEN. In this kickoff message to the Free Me series, special guest, Pastor Vernon Gordon of The Life Church RVA, helps us understand how to regulate offense so that it doesn’t corrupt our heart, and release it so that it doesn’t corrupt our lives.