

Part 2

September 17, 2017 • Ron Williams

How we view our lives matters. Many of us look at our resources as things we possess, things to be accumulated for our own gain. Our time, talents, and treasure are ours to be used however we want, for our own pleasure and fulfillment. And yet, God’s Word gives us a very different perspective. As we look at these things through the lens of Scripture, it flips our mindset.

Part 1

September 10, 2017 • Ron Williams

How we view our lives matters. Many of us look at our resources as things we possess, things to be accumulated for our own gain. Our time, talents, and treasure are ours to be used however we want, for our own pleasure and fulfillment. And yet, God’s Word gives us a very different perspective. As we look at these things through the lens of Scripture, it flips our mindset.