
Pastor Paula White-Cain Prays; Agrees; and Intercedes For Your Firstfruits

February 2, 2019 • Pastor Paula White-Cain

Transcription: I want to thank you as you have honored God with your first fruits. The Bible declares in Ezekiel Chapter 44 that as you bring the first of the firstlings, the first fruitsto the Lord that you're to bring them to the priest, the man the woman of God, and they will lift them before the Lord and pronounce the benediction or the blessing, the "baruk" (ברוכ) upon your household which means generations.

So right now, as I lift these up, Father, these are not just papers, these are not just names, these are your children that have been in obedience to you and brought a sacrificial first group to honor you at the beginning of this year and declare 2019 will be their year so I speak right now blessing over your generations.

I declare that the Lord bless your children, you grandchildren, those in your household that are not saved. Father, I ask that angels be dispatched to them right now at the command of your word, that every veil be removed, that there would be ministering angels, messenger angels, warring angels that would bring them the message of salvation, set them up at the right place at the right time to hear the Gospel, the Good News, to receive the love of Christ, remove every veil, let every demonic network that is aligned against you be scattered right now.

Let every evil eye, every monitoring eye, everything that would come against you, that would plot out and plant any destruction for 2019 or even beyond, let it be overturned, and I declared as your footsteps are ordered by the Lord, God will open new doors for you.

There will be new relationships. There will be greater opportunities to impact for his Kingdom. I declare that you're the head and not the tail. Deuteronomy 8:18 declares that he is giving you power to get well, that you may establish his covenant so as you walk out his wealth which is much more than just finances. It's in every area, spiritually, emotionally, relationally. I pray the blessing, the goodness, the favor, the increase of God upon you 2019, you will come back with testimony after testimony after testimony of increase and favor of healing, deliverance of households that which I keep feeling that in my spirit. Household salvation for you and your house will serve the Lord.

Be blessed in Jesus's name.