
Indecent Proposal - Part 2

August 23, 2019 • Dr. Robert Jeffress

It’s hard to wait on God when our minds shout “full speed ahead!” Many times in those circumstances, our lack of faith causes us to take matters into our own hands – and that can be very dangerous. In the following message entitled “Indecent Proposal,” as part of the inspirational sermon series, “Living by Faith,” Dr. Robert Jeffress shows us through the story of Hagar and Ishmael how running ahead of God can lead to bad decisions and painful consequences.

Finishing Strong

August 30, 2019 • Dr. Robert Jeffress

If you could compose an epitaph for your gravestone, what would it say? In the following message, “Finishing Strong,” as part of the inspirational sermon series “Living By Faith,” a study in the life of Abraham, Dr. Robert Jeffress takes us through Genesis 25:8, which summarizes the life of Abraham with an “epitaph” we can all hope to achieve.

Saying "YES" To The Impossible

August 29, 2019 • Dr. Robert Jeffress

In all of our lives, there comes at least one defining moment that reveals what’s truly in our hearts. In the following message, “Saying ‘Yes’ To The Impossible,” as part of “Living By Faith,” a study in the life of Abraham, Dr. Robert Jeffress brings invaluable insights to us as listeners about how and why God tests His children.

When God Says "ENOUGH" - Part 2

August 28, 2019 • Dr. Robert Jeffress

In our world today many of us wonder, “how far will God let us fall before He gets fed up?” “Can we really keep getting away with these evils?” In the following message, “When God Says ‘Enough’,” as part of the series “Living By Faith,” a study in the life of Abraham, Dr. Robert Jeffress reveals to us as listeners through the story of Sodom and Gomorrah’s destruction that God’s judgment for sin may not be immediate, but it is certain.