
Closing Remarks

Easter Service

April 9, 2023 • Tim Wilmetti • Matthew 28:1–15

The Talents

April 2, 2023 • Tim Wilmetti • Matthew 25:14–30

Jesus tells the story of three servants who were all given different amounts of money by the master, who was about to go on a long journey. The implication is that they will work with what he had given them to make a profit before their master returned. Two set to work immediately and received an increase. The third, however, buried his master's money in the ground. When the master returns, he praises those who had been working hard, but scolds the lazy servant who had done nothing. The point Jesus is making to His disciples is that genuine faith works to advance God's kingdom. They would have work to do while He was gone, but one day He'll return and we'll have to give an account.

The Bridesmaids

March 26, 2023 • Tim Wilmetti • Matthew 25:1–13

The Parable of the Ten Virgins is really about young women serving as bridesmaids. Their job was to accompany the groom as he came to collect his bride to escort her to their wedding. When his arrival was delayed, half of the bridesmaids run out of oil in their lamps. The other half were prepared and ready when the groom arrived, but the others were off buying oil. Jesus is telling His disciples in this parable that they had better be ready for His return.

The Feast

March 19, 2023 • Tim Wilmetti • Matthew 22:1–14

Jesus compares the Kingdom of God to a wedding banquet hosted by a king. God has extended an invitation to all of us to come into His kingdom, but many have refused, to include those who seem to be religious. We refuse the invitation to enter God's Kingdom because we're preccupied with our own pursuits or because we're unafraid of God's authority. Some of us even try to accept the invitation, but we try to come on our own terms. We want grace without repentance, we want righteousness without letting go of our sin, we want to show up to the wedding wearing the our dirty old sweatpants. The invitation has been extended to us all, but have we accepted it?

The Tenants

March 12, 2023 • Tim Wilmetti • Matthew 21:33–46

Sometimes we use religion to push our own narrative and we fail to honor God. But God's patience is limited; He will only warn us so many times before He will respond with justice. The Pharisees & Scribes, just like us, tried to take for themselves what could only belong to God. They wanted glory, honor, and power and killed the messengers God had sent (prophets). When He tries sending His own Son, they kill Him too, hoping to get His inheritance. In the end, God (the landowner) will come to destroy the religious leaders (the tenants) and give His kingdom (the vineyard) to those who will produce fruit for His glory. In the end, everything boils down to how we respond to Jesus.