
Vanity of Vanities


The End of the Matter

March 5, 2023

The end of the matter is this: our duty as humans is to worship and obey God. That's why we exist, that what we were designed for, and that's what gives our lives meaning. Obeying God should not be burdensome, as if God simply wants to oppress us and not allow us to have any fun. Obedience helps us realize our true purpose and should bring us great joy. It also helps us to not fear when God judges our every deed. In the end, we should remember God while we're young and not procrastinate a life of faith in Him.

Hope in the Face of Death

February 26, 2023 • Josh Rollins • Ecclesiastes 9—11

The difference between believers and unbelievers is not that bad things happen to unbelievers and not to believers. The difference is that believers know they live under the hand of God. Those who trust God don't seek from life what only God can give (joy and contentment), but live life to the fullest because they know it is fleeting.

Enticed & Entrapped

February 19, 2023 • Tim Wilmetti • Ecclesiastes 8

God's justice is not always immediate. Sometimes we prosper even when we do evil, which only encourages us to continue acting wickedly. Sin entices us and then entraps us, so that we continue to grow increasingly wicked. But praise God that Jesus came to free us from sin. Through Jesus, we go from being enslaved to sin to slaves of righteousness.

Avoiding Extremes

February 12, 2023 • Tim Wilmetti • Ecclesiastes 7

In life, we should avoid becoming overly religious and overly wicked. Righteousness is not earned, it's imputed by Christ. Self-denial will not make us more deserving and self-indulgence can cause our destruction.

Honor God

February 5, 2023 • Tim Wilmetti • Ecclesiastes 5—6

Religion without relationship is foolishness to God. He wants our love and submission, not empty traditions that seek to appease Him. God is not controlled or swayed by the things we do. When it comes to honoring Him, He wants us to talk less and listen (obey) more. And when we make promises to God, we had better be prepared to keep them.

Better Together

January 29, 2023 • Tim Wilmetti • Ecclesiastes 4

When God created Adam, He said it was not good for the man to be alone. We were made to be in relationship with one another. However, sometimes those relationships are ruined through oppression, envy, or pride. But we're better off together, as two or more people can provide help, comfort, protection, and even a greater reward for their labor.

A Season and a Time

January 22, 2023 • Tim Wilmetti • Ecclesiastes 3

There are appropriate times for everything that we will experience between our birth and our death. We must remember that life in this world is not forever, so we should appreciate the time God has given us. We came from dust and we will return to dust.

Vain Pursuits

January 15, 2023 • Tim Wilmetti • Ecclesiastes 2

In our earthly lives we are faced with various pursuits that, on the surface, seem to offer contentment. But after we've tested them, we find they are endless and can never truly satisfy. Indulging in pleasures, acquiring wisdom, and toiling our lives away will never lead to happiness.

Life is Empty

January 8, 2023 • Tim Wilmetti • Ecclesiastes 1

There is nothing in this world that can truly satisfy the longing of our souls. "All is vanity," says the Preacher. "I have seen everything that is done under the sun, and behold, all is vanity and a striving after the wind." If we hope to find lasting contentment and total peace, we must look to One beyond this world.