
This Changes Everything

Prayer + Healing

December 1, 2019 • Ben Stuart

“When we pray for healing, we don’t come with presumption, but we do come with expectation.” Closing out our series, This Changes Everything, Pastor Ben Stuart gives us a helpful and clarifying message on what Scripture has to say about prayer and healing.

Mo' Money, Mo' Problems

November 24, 2019 • Ben Stuart

According to James Chapter 5, rich people should be sad -- but why? This week, Pastor Ben Stuart explains what James really means when he cautions the wealthy to watch where we place our value. The more we love money, the less we love people. At the end of the day, the issue isn’t about money at all, but about our hearts. When we see and experience the generosity of God, it changes our priorities and our posture to extend that generosity to others.

The Problem With Plans

November 17, 2019 • Ben Stuart

Pastor Ben Stuart challenges us with James’ words on making plans for the future. When we know God, we should make plans from a place of humility and gratitude, viewing our future from the perspective of God’s grace! Godly wisdom brings order out of chaos, and wisdom is shown in good conduct and humility. This week, Pastor Ben continues our study through the book of James by contrasting the pursuit of selfish ambition with the humble pursuit of Christ.

You Adulterous People

November 10, 2019 • Ben Stuart

“The issue is not the issue; it’s how you respond to the issue that is the issue.” Godly wisdom brings order out of chaos, and wisdom is shown in good conduct and humility. This week, Pastor Ben continues our study through the book of James by contrasting the pursuit of selfish ambition with the humble pursuit of Christ.

Behold the Power of Words

November 3, 2019 • Ben Stuart

Your words determine your world, and your communication shapes your direction. Pastor Ben Stuart continues our series, This Changes Everything, by looking at what James says about the power of the tongue. Your words are powerful — how are you going to them?

The Law that Liberates

September 29, 2019 • Ben Stuart

Continuing the series This Changes Everything, Pastor Ben Stuart explains how James presents the Word of God — how it changes us from the inside out and how important it is to understand the freedom that comes from the Scriptures!

The Lie That Launches a Million Sins

September 22, 2019

How do we deal with temptation? Where does it come from? How does it work? How should we respond? All trials bring temptations, and part of persevering through trials is learning how to respond to them. Continuing the “This Changes Everything” series, Pastor Ben Stuart reminds us that while there are no perfect people, there is a perfect God, and He delights in us!

The Purpose of Pain

September 15, 2019 • Ben Stuart

Pain is part of the human story. We all experience trials and suffering throughout our lives. Looking at James 1, Pastor Ben Stuart reminds us that even in the midst of trial and pain, we can look to Jesus for hope and purpose!

This Changes Everything

September 8, 2019 • Ben Stuart

Kicking off a new series in the book of James, Pastor Ben Stuart encourages us with the truth that our identity determines our activity. It’s important to consider both the reality of Jesus rising from the dead and the reason for his resurrection. The reality confronts our minds, but the reason changes our hearts!

Faith and Works

August 11, 2019 • Ben Stuart

Are we justified by faith alone? How do works fit into the picture? Is faith complete without works? What does Scripture say about it? Pastor Ben Stuart continues our series This Changes Everything with a helpful explanation of how to understand the tension in how faith and works relate to each other!

Faith and Favoritism

August 4, 2019 • Ben Stuart

This week Pastor Ben Stuart continues our series This Changes Everything and walks us through what James has to say about partiality and favoritism in the church. For followers of Jesus, God has changed us from the inside out, and it changes how we treat people!