
Palm Sunday: Worship Night

April 5, 2020

On the first Sunday of Easter Week, Jesus rode into Jerusalem to the shouts of worship as people cried out Hosanna, Hosanna. They laid down their coats and palm branches as a sign of worship that was due Him. This Palm Sunday, we worshiped Jesus and cried out to Him with us through an online worship night and through an egg hunt activity.

More from Easter 2020

The Wonderful Cross

April 12, 2020 • Mike Hurt

Good Friday: Reflection and Confession

April 10, 2020

On Friday of Easter week, Jesus was crucified. The day is known as Good Friday because He died on the cross taking our place and paying the price for our sins. Join Pastor Mike for a time to reflect on the cross and to confess our sins to God.

Thursday: Scripture and Communion

April 9, 2020

On Thursday of Easter week, one of the things that Jesus did was to share a meal with his disciples. As He shared this meal, he taught them about the new deal God would make with us. He used bread and wine to teach them about the sacrifice He would make. To remember what He did for us on the cross and to look forward to His return, we gather at Parkway online to take communion together from our homes.