
The Gift of Peace

December 10, 2023 • Mike Hurt

In an ever-changing, chaotic world, we need peace.  Peace that doesn’t come and go with the circumstances in life, but peace that is permanent.  Peace that doesn’t end at the grave, but is eternal.  Peace that impacts every area of our life.  That’s why God sent Jesus - to be our peace.

More from Christmas

The Gift of Love

December 17, 2023 • Mike Hurt

Every Christmas, we celebrate and know that God chose to love us because God’s love is at the heart of Christmas.  He didn’t wait for us to love Him, He came for us so that we could love Him and the birth of Jesus is proof.   Christmas is a time to reflect on the amazing love that God has for us and to remember how this love impacts our lives.

The Gift of Joy

December 24, 2023 • Mike Hurt

Jesus brought joy into the world at His birth and still brings joy to the world today. 

The Gift of Hope

December 31, 2023 • Mike Hurt

The hope of Christmas lives beyond the holidays because our hope is found in the grace of God.  Discover how you can live with grace as your guide in the year to come.