
Standing Strong with Conviction

March 12, 2023 • Mike Hurt • Daniel 1:8–16

We are all exiles.  We have moved from a culture that affirmed and more or less agreed with Christianity to one no longer aligns with Christian values and in some ways is actively hostile to it. But even, as exiles, we can live with conviction and courage that doesn't change with the whims or demands of culture.

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Stand Strong with Devotion

March 19, 2023 • Daniel 3:8–23

Cancel culture is nothing new.  Those who opposed the people of God put them in the crosshairs because of their devotion to God. We see this in the story of Daniel's friends and we will see it in our lives if we stand up and stand out for Jesus. Dig into Daniel 3 and discover how to live with the unleashed grace and truth of God.

Stand Strong with Courage

March 26, 2023 • Mike Hurt • Daniel 6:6–23

Changing times demands unchanging courage. While the world looks within themselves or to one another to discover who they are, we turn to God for His divine design and direction for our lives. Sometimes this means that we stand up and stand by living a fully devoted life.   Learn from Daniel’s life and discover how to live a life of courageous faith and faithful disobedience.