
Summer Seminars

June 26, 2024
6:30 - 8:00pm

Connect with others and grow in your faith at our summer seminars. Seminars will help you develop healthier relationships, grow spiritually, and better understand the Bible. 

June 26 Summer Seminar Option

Habits that Help You Grow in Your Faith led by Kim Simmons

Spiritual growth is a life-long pursuit. The habits we build today impact our spiritual growth tomorrow. Join us for this seminar and learn about spiritual disciplines you can practice to see your faith, obedience, and dependence grow over time.

To register, choose the seminar you want to attend and share your contact info. Then, share info on those who will be joining you. To register another adult, choose the seminar they will attend and share their first and last name. To register a child, choose the childcare ticket and share their name and age/grade.