
Summer Seminars

June 19, 2024
6:30 - 8:00pm

Connect with others and grow in your faith at our summer seminars. Seminars will help you develop healthier relationships, grow spiritually, and better understand the Bible. 

On June 19th, we will offer the following seminars:

Bible Basics led by Mike Hurt and Jon Carmona

The Word of God is the authority of our lives. It holds truth and life for all who read it and live it. We know we should read it, study it, and learn it, but we struggle because the Bible is a book like no other. Join us for this seminar to discover simple ways to understand the construction of the Bible, the cultural contexts of Scripture, as well as ways to use tools to understand and apply the Bible.

Sharing the Gospel with Confidence and Clarity led by Kim Simmons

Sharing the Gospel is of first importance. But often, we struggle with the confidence to share Jesus with others. Join us for this seminar to discover how to be clear and confident with the Gospel including an easy way to share your faith and ways to work through common objections to faith in Christ.

To register, choose the seminar you want to attend and share your contact info. Then, share info on those who will be joining you. To register another adult, choose the seminar they will attend and share their first and last name. To register a child, choose the childcare ticket and share their name and age/grade.