
Jesus, A Thief?

Week 02

February 5, 2017 • Jason Patterson

New Creation

March 26, 2017 • Jason Patterson

This message wraps up our first series as a church! What does it truly mean to follow Jesus? It means being the people who carry our cross, as Jesus commanded—living as his "New Creation" people. A people that are saved, not from this world, but for it.

Jesus' World

March 19, 2017 • Jason Patterson

This Sunday at Parkside is a family Sunday. Today's message is abbreviated to make time for sharing lunch together as a church family. This week we take a look at the gospel announcement that Jesus is Lord. But why would the world believe this announcement is true? What is the evidence? We are.

Alternate Routes

March 12, 2017 • Jason Patterson

Why did Jesus have to die on the cross? Why couldn't he have established his Father's kingdom another way? This week we take a look at Jesus' cross, it's power, the kingdom it established and what that means for those who want to follow him.