Can You Dig It?

December 29, 2024

Can you dig it?

Genesis 26 finds Isaac the son of Abraham struggling to provide for his family in the midst of a famine. God stops him and tells him to dwell where he is instead of going to Egypt. God's promises and blessing we're reaffirmed to Isaac but all of it was tied to obedience. Isaac was obedient and dwelt where God said to dwell. It wasn't enough just to have a house If he was going to commit to what God told him to do he would have to build a well...

It can take weeks, months, even years to build a well. Your well is not just for you, it is for your family, your community. Your well is not just for now, it is for generations to come. God later showed himself to Isaac, Isaac worshipped the Lord and built the well. There's something about building the well that speaks to commitment and longevity. If we are going to see God use us personally, minister to our family and friends through us and use our church we must begin to dig wells. God can do marvelous things and he promises so much but we must start digging obediently and consistently. Can you dig it?