Did You Receive? Part 4. In this message we will begin dealing with what to expect when we receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Putting aside experiences we have seen or heard in the church world, we must look to scripture. If we never attended a church, if we never talked to a Christian. If we only had the bible to guide us in our pursuit of God's fullness what would that experience look like? Would our expectations or opinions about the Spirit Baptism be different? .

Did You Receive? Pt 4
January 26, 2025
Did You Receive? Pt 3
January 26, 2025
Did You Receive? Part 3 Acts 19... And finding some disciples 2 he said to them, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?”, We are teaching and preaching on the Holy Spirit in a series of messages. We've talked about how the Holy Spirit is there to empower us and also reveal Jesus to us. This message we will be talking about receiving the Holy Spirit in all of his fullness. We see in scripture that the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit as Jesus breathed on them. He then told them to wait in Jerusalem until they experienced a second and separate experience of the Holy Spirit. This experience is what Jesus talked about, what Joel spoke of, what John the Baptizer preached, what Peter would later preach on the day of Pentecost. What is our part in receiving all that God has for us? Does church attendance, bible reading guarantee that we will get all that God has for us? In today's message we talk about how our pursuit of God, our desire for more intimacy with him will prepare us to receive.
Did You Receive? Pt 1
Jeremy Jones
We are teaching on the Holy Spirit in the coming weeks. Today we're talking about a group of believers who were living for God but were unaware of what they were missing out on. Are you living in God's fullness? Do you have everything that God wants for your life? Could you be more effective in your service to God?