
The Path To Full Relationship With God

Week 1

July 1, 2018

The Bible says that without faith or trust it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). What does it mean that trust is essential to please God? Does this mean we must do religious things for God to like us? No. Not at all. God is pleased when we seek him! God wants us to trust him to direct our lives. He wants us to experience that he is worthy of our trust. He wants us to have that kind of deep authentic relationship with him. Trust goes beyond believing that God exists, as many many people do, to actually saying “yes” to God in the normal and challenging aspects of life. Trust is the only path to experience a full relationship with God. We trust God that he is for us, he will guide in the right ways, and that he has our best interests in mind all the time. So in trust we say “yes” to God. The more we say “yes” to God the more we’ll experience the depth of a relationship with God.