
Traditional Worship

Dangerous Christianity

May 31, 2020

This is going to be a dangerous kind of Church…not because of the virus, but because there are hundreds, thousands of people all around us who don’t know Jesus yet, who don’t have purpose and meaning in their lives, who are making some really poor choices, and they in a world of hurt based on those choices, and they want forgiveness, and they want a new start, and they want to live for something bigger and better. And they don’t know where to turn.

My heart breaks for people in the deep weeds of life, struggling through the storms without an anchor of faith, and without solid Christian friends around them to help them through.

Rejoice! Worship

May 31, 2020

This is going to be a dangerous kind of Church…not because of the virus, but because there are hundreds, thousands of people all around us who don’t know Jesus yet, who don’t have purpose and meaning in their lives, who are making some really poor choices, and they in a world of hurt based on those choices, and they want forgiveness, and they want a new start, and they want to live for something bigger and better. And they don’t know where to turn. My heart breaks for people in the deep weeds of life, struggling through the storms without an anchor of faith, and without solid Christian friends around them to help them through.