
Prophetic Living

A deep dive into what it means to be a prophet

What is a Real Prophet? 1/14

Ken Fish

Join Ken Fish as he explores the role of prophets and prophecy in a multipart teaching series called “What is a Real Prophet?” In this first teaching, Ken talks about the prophetic gift, ancient Oracles, the Old and New Testament prophets.

What is a Real Prophet? 2/14

Ken Fish

Who understands the prophets best? Is it the scholars or the people who have the prophetic gift? Ken delves into the history of the two and explains how it really is possible to have the best of both worlds.

What is a Real Prophet? 3/14

Ken Fish

Ken shares about the emergence of prophetic ministries and the simultaneous reawakening of the evangelical justice movement. He also discusses the 5 paradigms that are indicators that the prophetic consciousness is returning to the Church.

What is a Real Prophet? 4/14

Ken Fish

Ken reveals why some prophets hold on to revelation while others show various degrees of intensity of what they must share. They believe fiercely on what God has given them to share about.

What is a Real Prophet? 5/14

Ken Fish

Ken discusses how prophets see the plight of mankind as those most worthy of all topics. Prophetic burden bearing and prophetic discourse is also discussed.

What is a Real Prophet? 6/14

Ken Fish

Ken merges the subjects of Passion and the humanitarian aspect of a prophet. True prophets of biblical caliber share in the agony of the people.

What is a Real Prophet? 7/14

Ken Fish

Ken shares how prophets are the Pied Piper that calls others to righteousness. Prophets are loyal to the people and naturally speak the highest good, but they are not afraid to speak up.

What is a Real Prophet? 8/14

Ken Fish

Ken discusses how prophets call people back to the right path by challenging conventions. Prophets have the ability to breakdown assumptions and predispositions of the people.

What is a Real Prophet? 9/14

Ken Fish

Ken shares how prophets tend to be a gold on the inside but crusty on the outside. Prophets prefer to be liked, but must speak what the LORD says and not compromise the word of the LORD.

What is a Real Prophet? 10/14

Ken Fish

Ken discusses how prophets at times tend to exaggerate and blur the mind in getting a sense of what is really real. Some at times are seen as too categorical or black and white concerning the sins of the people.

What is a Real Prophet? 11/14

Ken Fish

Ken shares how peoples’ hearts are ever seeing but never see and are hearing but never hear revelatory truth. He points out how to avoid certain pitfalls that can be a hindrance in understanding how to perceive.

What is a Real Prophet? 12/14

Ken Fish

Ken discusses how prophets may encounter attitudes from people and systematic regimes that have human fallenness, corruption and deliberate wrong doing which becomes an intractable mass. A prophet with divine words can impact and bring down to demolish such strongholds.

What is a Real Prophet? 13/14

Ken Fish

Ken reveals what it takes for a prophet to have distant vision. Prophets play various roles from messengers, watchman, servant and confidant. They are assayers who discern and assess people with what measure they should force or hold back with a situation.

What is a Real Prophet? 14/14

Ken Fish

Ken shares how prophets are the agents of transformation. They discern pathways of the soul, see brokenness of a human and draw them out into the light of God.

What is a Real Prophet? (Live / Video)

Ken Fish

This is the condensed, live teaching of the 14-part series, "What is a Real Prophet?" taught on site at the Streams Ministries International by the invitation of John Paul Jackson.