
The Holy Spirit

The third person of God-head who is often forgotten in the Church

The Spirit of the LORD is Upon Me

Ken Fish • Luke 4:18–19, Isaiah 61:1–2

In his first recorded sermon, found in Luke 4:18-19, Jesus preached from Isaiah 61:1-2. In our time, the Spirit of the LORD is again highlighting this passage, and He is releasing it to the wider Church. Join Ken as he explains the remarkable prophetic convergence that is again bringing this verse to the forefront in our time.

Who is the Holy Spirit?

Ken Fish

Despite how many talk about the Holy Spirit, he is not an “it. He is the third person of the Trinity, who comes to the Christian with specific giftings and in fulfillment of the words of Jesus. If one does not understand the person of the Holy Spirit, neither will s/he ever function properly in the gifts of the Spirit.

Baptism of the Holy Spirit

Ken Fish

This message explains the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, why it’s needed, and how to enter into it. Thousands of people have received the infilling of the Spirit after hearing this message.

When the Spirit Comes 1/4

Ken Fish

This series is a study of the who, when, why and how of the Holy Spirit, and what happened when the Father sent the Spirit upon the Church. It also includes a lengthy discussion of what happens today when the Spirit comes upon a believer and an additional Q&A session.

When the Spirit Comes 2/4

Ken Fish

This series is a study of the who, when, why and how of the Holy Spirit, and what happened when the Father sent the Spirit upon the Church. It also includes a lengthy discussion of what happens today when the Spirit comes upon a believer and an additional “Q&A session.”

When the Spirit Comes 3/4

Ken Fish

This series is a study of the who, when, why and how of the Holy Spirit, and what happened when the Father sent the Spirit upon the Church. It also includes a lengthy discussion of what happens today when the Spirit comes upon a believer and an additional “Q&A session.”

When the Spirit Comes 4/4

Ken Fish

This series is a study of the who, when, why and how of the Holy Spirit, and what happened when the Father sent the Spirit upon the Church. It also includes a lengthy discussion of what happens today when the Spirit comes upon a believer and an additional “Q&A session.”

Becoming the People of the Spirit

Ken Fish

All who are led by the Spirit are the [children] of God. Thus, one of the chief goals of the Christian life is to be led by the Spirit. Join Ken as he explores the spontaneity and fullness of such a life.

As a Driven Leaf

Ken Fish

Jesus and Paul agree that the children of God are led by the Spirit. Jesus, however, describes it in poetic terms, “Like one blown by the wind.” In this message from John 3, Ken explores the signs of being like a leaf blown by the wind of God.

Taste and See the Holy Spirit

Ken Fish

In this message, Ken describes how one goes deeper with God by going deeper with the Holy Spirit. It is both an invitation and a summons that is a mixture of awe, wonder, and joy.