

How to Get Promoted

Ken Fish

Most people would like to be promoted, whether in their everyday life as well as in the realm of ministry. Yet, many struggle with earning the promotion they seek. In this message, Ken talks to business people about spiritual principles that apply in all realms of life. These principles of the Kingdom of God open the way to greater service in all walks of life.

大多數人都希望被晉升,無論是在他們的日常生活以及在事工的領域。 然而,許多人在爭取他們想要的晉升上卻需要奮力掙扎。 在這個信息中,Ken與商界人士懇談了適用於所有生活領域的屬靈原則。 這些神國度的原則為各行各業開啟更廣大的服務之門