

Why it is so dangerous

Ken Fish

This message covers the basics of Freemasonry, a secret society that some view as merely a civic organization, but that actually has a considerably more complex and spiritually dangerous history. In this message, Ken covers not just the basics of Freemasonic teaching, but also how to pray for people to be freed from its effects.

Christian Authority in Deliverance

Ken Fish

Christian authority is the foundation of a successful deliverance ministry. In this message, Ken teaches on the authority of a believer specifically as it pertains to the ministry of deliverance.

How Deliverance Ministry Hastens the Return of Christ

Ken Fish

In this message, Ken teaches on the last major message of Jesus, and how he himself taught that the advance of the deliverance ministry would topple the powers that dominate and enslave the intellectual, political, and economic systems of the world.

A Primer on Topics in Advanced Deliverance 1/2

Ken Fish

In this teaching, Ken takes us in a dive into various common issues we face as we seek to set people free.