
The First 72 Hours

The First 72 Hours

THE FIRST 72 HOURS This is a simple playbook for your first three days of school. Research shows that the first three days on campus are the most important as they set the tone for the whole year and the trajectory of a student’s life. This research was for colleges but what if the first three days of middle school and high school are just as important for students at your school? We are going to take the first three days of this school year seriously - showing the love of Jesus and making Jesus known at our schools! This playbook will help you kickstart a year of making Jesus known on your campus! You are at your specific school for a reason - you are a missionary to your campus! We celebrate your YES to knowing Jesus and to making Him known at your school! Join us in The First 72 Hours and start this year off with bold faith! BEFORE THE 1ST DAY OF SCHOOL ⁃ Prayer walk your campus and sow seeds of faith believing God for salvations, healings, and breakthrough. Post a picture or a video and tag @thejesusclubs and @claimyourcampus. DAY #1: 1ST DAY OF SCHOOL ⁃ AT HOME: Pray and ask God for a scripture verse for the year. Text it to your Jesus Club leaders encouraging them for what God is going to do on your campus this year. ⁃ AT SCHOOL: Be active to introduce yourself and meet as many freshman (or those in the youngest grade at your school) as possible. You will continue this all three days! “Hey my name is ____. I’m a leader at the Jesus Club. I’m so glad you’re at our school. If you need anything please let me know. We’re here for you.” DAY #2: 2ND DAY OF SCHOOL ⁃ AT HOME: Set a daily reminder on your phone so your scripture verse for the year pops up on your phone every day at lunch time. ⁃ AT SCHOOL: Wear some Jesus Club gear to school today and ask at least 3 people if you can pray for them. Pray for their life, family, and for a great school year. Continue to meet as many freshmen and new students as possible! DAY #3: 3RD DAY OF SCHOOL ⁃ AT HOME: Write a note for someone at your school encouraging them that Jesus loves them and give it to them at school today. ⁃ AT SCHOOL: Honor your teachers and administrators. Write your Jesus Club teacher advisor an encouraging note thanking them for being a part of your team and sharing anything God puts on your heart to encourage them. Be intentional to be on time to all classes, engage and don’t be distributive during instruction, show respect to your teachers, and set the tone for a year of showing the love of Jesus in tangible ways - including how you interact with the adult leaders of your school.