
Living in The Upside-Down Kingdom

A 31 Day Devotional

Day 31

January 31, 2023

“Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock. Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won’t collapse because it is built on bedrock.  But anyone who hears my teaching and doesn’t obey it is foolish, like a person who builds a house on sand.  When the rains and floods come and the winds beat against that house, it will collapse with a mighty crash.” Matthew 8:24-27 Congratulations on completing the 31 Days! I hope that these last 31 days have allowed you to experience the Kingdom of God fully! You may be asking, "What do I do now?"   I want to call attention to the first sentence of this passage: “Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock." The reality is that we may know the truth about the Upside Down Kingdom - that is the Kingdom of God - but it won't transform anyone's life until they obey it.  If you were to build a house, one of the most unreliable foundations you can build it on is sand. Why? Because it isn't stable - it moves, it shifts, it fluctuates based on the time of day, the weather, the season, the location, and so on! Similarly, when we build our life upon unreliable sources, such as money, emotions, jobs, people, seasons of life - all things that can change at a moment's notice - we are setting ourselves up for failure.  If you are going to build a house, you want a sturdy foundation, like rock. It never moves, shifts, or fluctuates based on the time of day or weather. Similarly, Jesus' teachings are 100% truth! And if the teachings of Jesus are the truth, then it is something that will never change. When we build our life upon the commandments of Jesus, we are setting up our life for success! Our foundation for our life is consistent, reliable, and never changes or moves.   So what do you do now after these 31 days? You take what you have learned from this devotional, and apply it to your everyday life. You will see some changes in your everyday life the more you apply His teachings - healthier mindsets, internal healings, more victories in the challenges of life, joy returning, and a closer and more intimate relationship with the Lord!   Now I will commission you to do the same thing that Jesus said to the Disciples before He ascended into Heaven:   'Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”' Matthew 28:19-20 As you apply Jesus' teachings in your life, share what you have learned with a friend! That is what it means to "make disciples" - take what you know about the Kingdom of God, and teach a friend what you know. You don't need to be a pastor or a missionary to preach the Gospel - you just need a Bible and the Holy Spirit!   Welcome to the Kingdom of God - now go share the Good News and expand His Kingdom!   Questions for Application - What did God speak to you through these 31 days? - How has your life changed since then? - What are ways you are going to share the Good News and expand His kingdom? Prayer “Father, thank You for these last 31 days with You. Thank You for teaching me how to live for Your Upside-down kingdom, and how to follow You with my whole heart. Teach me how to continue to follow You no matter what, and to obey Your commands! I love you.”

Day 30

January 30, 2023

“Not everyone who calls out to me, ‘Lord! Lord!’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Only those who actually do the will of my Father in heaven will enter. On judgment day many will say to me, ‘Lord! Lord! We prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name and performed many miracles in your name.’ But I will reply, ‘I never knew you. Get away from me, you who break God’s laws.” Matthew 7:21-23 I think we can agree that this is one of the scariest realities: being rejected by God. But, let me ease your mind a little bit. This passage is not about Jesus rejecting people who failed His expectations, who weren't spiritual enough, or who didn't have the intimacy with God as other Christians do - read the last verse: "… You who break God's laws!"  When we are born again, sin no longer has a voice in our life. We don’t live under its rule, we don't enjoy it, and we choose to live a life of righteousness by obeying God's commandments. There are people who claim they are Christians, but their life doesn't change. They still continue to live a life of sin and there is no transformation. The reality is these people are not born again. If they were born again, they would be obeying God's commandments and would be transformed by the word of God.  It's worth noting that this is different from habitual sin. Sometimes sin doesn't go away as easily as we wanted to. There are addictions, bad habits, trauma and emotional brokenness that we have to continuously crucify our flesh and allow the Lord to sanctify in us. We must learn to discipline ourselves to live a life of righteousness by the grace of God. In this scripture, Jesus is talking about these people: those who claim they are Christians and you deny Jesus by their lifestyle. Maybe you are the person that I'm referring to – who claimed Jesus as your Lord and Savior and yet your lifestyle denotes His power and His commandments. I want you to know that there is no shame or condemnation in Christ Jesus, and anybody who wants to repent will always be accepted by the Father. If that is you, I want you to pray this prayer to renew your vows to the Lord. Questions for Application - What are your first thoughts when you read this scripture in Matthew 7? - How has following Jesus transformed your life?  What changes have you noticed in your life since becoming a Christian? Prayer “Father, I repent for any way I have not truly made You Lord of my life. I’m sorry. I don’t want to live a double life. Search me, and know me. If there’s anything in my heart, and in my life that does not honor You or glorify You, remove it.  I want to be transformed by You, and I want to live for You alone. Today, I surrender again and turn back to You. I choose You! Be Lord over my life. You have full reign. I believe in my heart that You are the Son of God, and I confess with my mouth that You are my Lord. I love you.”

Day 29

January 29, 2023

“Beware of false prophets who come disguised as harmless sheep but are really vicious wolves. You can identify them by their fruit, that is, by the way they act. Can you pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles? A good tree produces good fruit, and a bad tree produces bad fruit. A good tree can’t produce bad fruit, and a bad tree can’t produce good fruit. So every tree that does not produce good fruit is chopped down and thrown into the fire. Yes, just as you can identify a tree by its fruit, so you can identify people by their actions.” Matthew 7:15-20 As we all know, there are people who do not teach the Bible honestly or truthfully. With the Bible being vast, sometimes people can teach the Bible based on their opinions and not on the truth of God’s words. But, this passage gives us a shortcut of how we can discern who is a citizen in the Upside Down Kingdom, And who is a false prophet: their fruit.  It would be weird if an apple tree produced an orange. Apple trees produce apples. Orange trees produce oranges. Similarly, somebody who is rooted in Jesus will produce the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Somebody who preaches a false gospel will produce false fruit.  We can tell because they're fruit doesn't match the description of the Vine. Jesus explains what kind of fruits the Holy Spirit produces Galatians 5:23: Love, joy,  peace, patience,  kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. If somebody is not producing any of these qualities in their lives, odds are they don't know the Holy Spirit and are not rooted in Jesus.  Maybe you just read the list of the fruits of the Holy Spirit and you realize that you don't display any of these qualities. Ask the Holy Spirit to meet you right now, so that you can have a stronger relationship with Him. Jesus doesn't have to think about or force fruits to come about; it’s who He is. Likewise, when we walk with the Holy Spirit, we just naturally start to look like Jesus. We become like the One we behold.   Questions for Application - Read John 15:4-16 and reflect on how to personally abide in the true vine; Jesus. - List out the fruit of the spirits mentioned in Galatians 5, and ask the Lord to increase those fruits in your life. - How can you tell that someone is a false prophet, based on what Matthew 7:15-20 says? Prayer “Father, thank You for producing the fruits of Your Holy Spirit in me. Would you continue to teach me how to abide in You, and how to not be deceived by the world? I want to be rooted in You! Help me to root my life in You, and to stand on Your words only. I love you!"

Day 28

January 28, 2023

“You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way.  But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it. Matthew 7:13-14 I remember reading this passage and thinking, "That doesn't make sense! If Jesus was truly the life that fulfills me and restores me, wouldn’t His road be wide?" Sadly, that's not the case. Yes, Jesus is the only way to life, but it also comes with a cost. An expensive cost at that. It will cost you your life.  Whether we eat, sleep, breathe, move – it all goes back to the glory of God. We are not our own; we are bonded to Him  by the blood of Jesus. We are His people, and He is our Lord.  Sometimes, God asks us to do things we really don’t want to do. Take Jonah in the Bible for example. God asked Him to minister to a city that Jonah hated, and was scared of.  Look at the Prophet Ezekiel. He was called to be a Prophet to a nation that hated God, and was mean to Ezekiel. Sometimes when we follow Jesus, it feels like we are being stripped of everything we want in this world. But that's the thing! The more the world decreases in our lives, the more His kingdom increases! Jesus is the only thing that can truly satisfy us. We were made for Him! Everything else is a counterfeit.  The desires of this world are tempting. This verse actually says that most people will get caught up in the sin of this world and live according to their sinful desires. If only they knew the truth that Jesus is the only One that can bring life. If you feel like you're having a hard time with this journey of following Jesus, please know that this is very normal. Jesus promised us it would not be easy, and in this world, we will have troubles as we follow Him. But, don’t give up. He has overcome the world and so will we, as we continue to follow Him.  Questions for Application - Why do you think this scripture states that the road of the world is broad, and the road to God is narrow? - How can you continue to walk the narrow road, even when it’s hard? Prayer “Father, I will follow You. Teach me to follow You on the narrow road, no matter how difficult it may be. I want for Your kingdom to increase in my life, so show me how to follow You, no matter the cost.”

Day 27

January 27, 2023

“Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets.” Matthew 7:12 Have you ever heard of “The Golden Rule?” Maybe you remember it from elementary school. The Golden rule is this: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Jesus has been echoing the Golden Rule over the past few weeks, but here He finally says it! This is the perfect heart posture to properly bless and love people. However you want people to see you, encourage you, bless you, comfort you - do the same to other people! Today's devotional is going to be pretty short, because I want you to take time to re-read previous days from this devotional to let this verse sink in deep. You can see the echoes of the Golden Rule in Day 18 and 23 of this devotional. Turn back to those days and ask the Lord to show you how you can live out the truth of this scripture. Questions for Application - How can you live out this scripture today in Matthew 7? - Read Philippians 2:3-11. How does this chapter connect with the golden rule? Prayer “Father, help me to live out Your Word. Help me to love others the way You love them. Show me how to treat others the way I want to be treated, and how to honor them the way You do!”

Day 26

January 26, 2023

“You parents—if your children ask for a loaf of bread, do you give them a stone instead?  Or if they ask for a fish, do you give them a snake? Of course not!  So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him.” Matthew 7:9-11 Yesterday on Day 25, we talked about asking the Father for good things, and then following it through with practical steps. Now, let’s look at what God thinks when we make requests for those “good things.” God actually gets really excited about blessing us with good things! God has so many things that He longs to bless us with here on Earth. He is a good Father!  In this passage, God is giving a funny analogy of a parent giving their child a snake when they asked for a fish, and a stone when they asked for bread. What Jesus is pointing out here is that no good parent would even think about doing that. Likewise, if our own human logic can tell the difference between a good gift and a bad gift, how much more does God know how to properly bless His children!  God knows your ins-and-outs. He knows how you think, how you process things, what brings you joy in life - every detail about you! How does God know that? He created you! He formed and fashioned every part of you. If anybody knows how to give you a gift that you will love, it's Him!  If God knows how to give really good gifts to His children, then He also knows the perfect timing to present those gifts into your life. Be patient, and trust Him in His timing.   But for now, take time today to thank God for the blessings He has already brought you. I challenge you today to make a list of 10 things that you're grateful for and choose to meditate on God's generosity today! Questions for Application - When you think of the Father, have you struggled to believe that He is a good, kind Father? Why, or why not?  - Make a list of 10 things you're grateful for that God has already done in your life. Prayer “Father, thank you for these things that you have blessed me with on Earth.  Thank you for being a Good Father to me.  Thank you that when I pray, you hear me, and that I can trust you to provide with not only what I need, but what is best for me.”

Day 25

January 25, 2023

“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.” Matthew 7:7-8 Sometimes passages like these are hard to believe because it sounds too good to be true. But, it’s true! We have a good Father who loves to bless His children. In this passage, Jesus promises us 3 things:  We will receive what we ask for if we ask our Good Father. This requires us to pray and make personal requests to God so that He can intervene in our life.  We will find what we continuously seek, we will find. if we seek the good things in the kingdom of God, it is bound to be found by us. (Jeremiah 29:12-13 also says this!) If you consistently knock on the door of opportunity, it will be opened. This means that we must follow through with what we request and seek for.   These scriptures don't mean that whatever we ask, seek, or knock for will come to us just because we want it. Remember that this whole devotional is centered around the Upside Down Kingdom – meaning, these rules only apply when it is in accordance with the kingdom of God. This is a good thing!  God will protect  you from the bad things, even when you ask, seek and knock for them. Sometimes a Good Father answers our prayer with “no” simply because the thing we are asking Him for can be hurtful to us.  This shouldn’t stop us from asking Him for what we want, because the answer might be yes! Afterall, God answers 0% of the prayers you don’t pray.   Take time today to bring your Good Father your requests, even the selfish ones. Trust that His judgment call on your request is going to be for your own benefit. While you pray, take some action steps in order to see your request come true! For example, if you are praying for good grades, take action steps to study more and ask more questions during class time. If you're praying about joining the basketball team, take steps to start practicing shooting hoops after school. Like this passage says, we are blessed not only when we ask our good Father, but also when we seek and knock on the opportunities for the prayer to come into fruition. Questions for Application - What is one thing you've been hesitant to ask the Father for? Make a list, and today spend time with your Father. Let Him remind you that He is good, and cares about the details of your life. As you pray, what are you choosing to believe that God will do through your prayers? Prayer “Father, thank You for being such a good Father. Thank You that I can come to You with everything in my life. Thank You for always listening and being present with me. I trust You with my life, and with all my heart’s desires. I will continue to seek You, and knock on Your door.”

Day 24

January 24, 2023

“Don’t waste what is holy on people who are unholy.  Don’t throw your pearls to pigs! They will trample the pearls, then turn and attack you.” Have you ever heard the phrase “You can bring a horse to water, but you can't make it drink it”?  Matthew 7:6   The Upside Down Kingdom actually agrees with this statement! When Jesus says, “don't throw your pearls to pigs,”He's actually telling us to not give something valuable to somebody who won't recognize its value.  God has given us good gifts to use to bless other people with. But, if people refuse to receive the gifts that God has freely given, we are not commanded by God to spend any more time trying to help them. This is not rooted in a lack of compassion, but in wisdom. Have you ever had a friend that is always asking for advice or for help in a situation, but never seems to listen to anything they’re advised to do? It can feel disappointing at times, sometimes frustrating! Good advice goes to waste when the recipient refuses to receive it. You can try to help people all you want, but in reality if they don't want help, we are just wasting our time.  Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you the areas where you were throwing your pearls to pigs. Ask Him to help adjust your priorities and your relationships so that you can walk in wisdom and obedience! Questions for Application  - What priorities and relationships do you need the Lord to adjust in your life? - What areas in your life are you throwing “your pearls to the pigs?” - Ask the Lord to help you have wisdom and to obey when you are investing into someone else’s life. Prayer  “Father, thank you for how you have selflessly given your Son so that I could have eternal life and be saved from sin.  Show me who to invest in. Show me who I can walk with and teach what you have taught me.”

Day 1

January 1, 2023 • Matthew 5

“God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for Him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.”  Matthew 5:3 Here we jump into Matthew 5-7, the first segment of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount - the Beatitudes! Right from the start, Jesus reveals that the secret of entering the Kingdom of God starts by realizing that we need Him!  Recognizing our need for Jesus is not only the catalyst for how we enter into God's Kingdom, but an invitation for us to receive the Gospel as well. In order for us to receive the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ that wiped us from our sins, we need to acknowledge that we need a Savior first. We need to be saved from our sinful nature, our brokenness, and our separation from God!  Jesus is the only cure for the incurable sickness that humanity has been suffering from since the Garden of Eden:  sin.  Through sin, we have been separated from God and, in the process, lost understanding of who we are and who God is.  The human soul continues to live in dysfunction because we don’t know our original function.   I can't think of a better way to start this 31 day devotional than an invitation to accept the Gospel!  Jesus, who knew no sin, became sin on our behalf so that we might become the righteousness of God (2 Corinthians 5:21).  In short, when Jesus died on the cross, we switched places with  Him; Jesus was treated like a sinner, and we are now treated like Jesus!  What an AMAZING deal!  This is the Good News, also known as the Gospel:  Jesus died for your sins to be removed from both the Heavenly record and your soul.  We no longer have to live under the weight of sin anymore - Jesus can take away your depression, anxiety, fear, shame, addiction, dysmorphia, insomnia, brokenness, trauma, and everything that the human soul was never designed to have!  And, in the process, Jesus gives us the right to be God’s children, freedom from sin, abundant life, authority over the devil’s kingdom, the list goes on and on! The Holy Spirit, the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead, lives in us and enables us to live a sin-free life. Maybe you are already a Christian, but you realized that you haven't been walking with Jesus as closely as you wanted to. Luckily, repentance is so easy that it only takes a moment!  All you have to do is apologize to God for your wanderings, accept His forgiveness, turn from your old ways, and *BOOM* - you’re forgiven!   I want you to pray the prayer below out loud, even if you are already walking with the Lord.  Take the time today to meditate on the Gospel, and how Jesus’ sacrifice has brought you into the Upside Down Kingdom!   Welcome to Day 1 of Learning the Upside Down Kingdom - the Kingdom of God!  Questions for Application - Have you received Jesus as your Lord and Savior?  - What do you expect/believe God will do through these next 31 days?   Prayer "Father, thank you for what you did on the cross. Forgive me for _____. Thank you for saving me from my sins and removing my guilt and shame.  Heal my heart, restore my mind, and allow me to enter into your Kingdom.  I receive your salvation, and I surrender to you as my Lord and Savior!"

Day 2

January 2, 2023

“God blesses those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” Matthew 5:4  The Kingdom of God is called the Upside Down Kingdom because the Kingdom of God is upside to us sometimes.  Understanding the Kingdom of God is a process of unlearning what this earthly life has taught us, and learning the reality of God and applying to our lives.  Sometimes it doesn’t make sense, but then again, neither does God.  Here is one of the things where God doesn’t make sense: He cares about us.  God invented all of the stars and galaxies.  He created light simply by telling it to exist.  The laws of physics hold their consistency because He wrote the laws.  His imagination created the elephants, crocodiles, and the platypus!  He designed the trees and the mountains and the planets and the cosmos!   And yet, this almighty divine being is so captivated by His prized position: us.   Even though God holds power over all things and knows all things, He is also personal. God cares about what we feel, experience, ponder, and express.  This verse is God’s promise to us:  that when we mourn, He will always be there to comfort.  When we are struggling through life, He will be present. When we fight battles such as mental illness, depression, anxiety, He is there to fight our battles for us (Exodus 14:14).   God wants us to invite Him into our brokenness. Why? Because He cares for you. He wants to see your heart healed.   Take today to invite the Holy Spirit into the mundane of your everyday life - especially in the areas where your heart is hurting.  God doesn’t want the “social media” version of you where everything is fine and dandy - He wants all of your heart.  He will take the sorrowful things, and in return, bring about joy, healing, freedom, and comfort!   Questions for Application - Are there areas in your life where your heart hurts?  If so, what are those areas?   - What is stopping you from embracing God’s comfort?   - Ask the Holy Spirit what areas in your heart that you need to let Him  into - what did He say?   Prayer "Father, thank you for what you did on the cross.  Thank you for your comfort in the areas where my heart hurts.  Thank you for allowing me to enter into your comfort anytime I want to. I allow you to love me and to heal my heart, and I release the pain to you so that I can be free.  Help me to walk in your love today so that I can know you more.”  

Day 3

January 3, 2023

“God blesses those who are humble, for they will inherit the whole earth.” Matthew 5:5 Humility is a funny thing - as soon as you claim that you have it, you lose it!   We know that God opposes the proud, and He gives grace to the humble (James 4:6).  To be proud is to reject God because you think that you don’t need Him. Do you remember two days ago what the first beatitude is?  It said, “God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.”  When you humble yourself and ask God to intervene in your life, God will bless you!   In the process of being blessed, you will inherit the whole earth!  When Jesus returns, there will be a new Heaven and a new Earth (Revelation 21:1).  At the end of time, Jesus will return and we will have a more perfect relationship with Him living in the Holy City of New Jerusalem!   But, like everything in the Upside Down Kingdom, it comes with a cost.  An example of humility looks like  letting go of offense and to extending forgiveness to people even when the world might tell you otherwise.  Exercising humility is easier said than done. However, it is not impossible! The Lord will give you the grace and the strength to live according to the Word of God!   Make your focus today to acknowledge that you need God. Confess to Him all the times you experience pride in your heart, or hesitation to forgive. Jesus only takes away the things that we were never meant to have. Yield to the Lord! Questions for Application - Are there areas in your life where you struggle with pride?  If so, what are those areas?   - What steps can you take today to submit to God’s sovereignty?   - What sins do you need to confess to God?   Prayer "Father, I come to you with a humble spirit. I give my life to you, and I heed all control I have over my regular life. You take the reins, and you do what you want with my life. Help me to forgive the people who have hurt me, and help me to show love to others as you show love to me.”

Day 4

January 4, 2023

“God blesses those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they will be satisfied.” Matthew 5:6 “Have you ever heard the term, “life isn’t fair”? The sad reality is that this statement is true – life isn’t fair. People get away with doing bad things, and bad things happen to good people. People treat other people unfairly through bullying, abuse, gossip – the list goes on! But, just because it happens doesn’t mean that God wants it to, or that He Himself is orchestrating it.   We don’t always have the answer as to why bad things happen. However, we do know that when we cry out to God, He always answers our prayer/cry for help. Whenever someone wrongs us or hurts our feelings, we can go to God and talk to Him about it. We can even ask Him  to intervene! Do you remember yesterday how we read about yielding to God? God uses this scripture to promise justice when injustice is happening – however, it’s going to be His form of justice, not ours. Take the story of Jonah for example: Jonah wanted God to pour out His wrath on Nineveh - but when Nineveh repented of their injustice, God showed mercy!  God is not only a Good Father, but a righteous Judge.    We don’t pray for God to do our will; instead, we pray for HIS will to be done in our lives.  His will and His ways are so much greater than our own!  Maybe there are certain things in your life that aren’t good things and you want them to change. Take today to invite God into those situations, and trust Him to handle it properly!  God wants His BEST for your life.  He has a perfect track record, we can trust Him with our lives!   Questions for Application - What are some evil things in the world that you wish God would change?  Take a moment to pray that God intervenes! Prayer "Father, there are some things that I see that are not good things.  I ask that you step in and stop the evil in the world however you see fit.  Help me to trust you today as you fix the injustices of this world.” 

Day 5

January 5, 2023

“God blesses those who are merciful, for they will be shown mercy.” Matthew 5:7 Throughout the Sermon on the Mount, we see Jesus highlighting different variations of the "Golden Rule" - that is, treat others how you want to be treated.  You will see more variations of this as you continue on this 31 Day Journey of Learning the Upside Down Kingdom.  But for now, let’s focus on this one.   The reality is that God judges us based on how we treat others. In Matthew 6:14-15, Jesus says, “For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” If we want to receive the mercy of God, we must first extend mercy.  If we are to be citizens of the Upside Down Kingdom, we must adopt the heart of the King first. Jesus doesn’t just want us to act like Him, He wants us to be transformed by Him, He wants us to think like Him, and to become like Him. We are to do nothing out of selfish ambition, but in humility to consider others more significant than ourselves (Ephesians 2:3). Ephesians 2 goes on to say that we should not just look at our own interests, but also the interests of others.  Imagine you and your friend were caught cheating on a test.  It would be nonsensical for you to expect your friend to get in trouble while you walk away with an A, even though you both cheated on the same test. Likewise, it’s also nonsensical for us to believe that others are worthy of judgment for their sin while we think we are worthy of mercy for ours.  When we show mercy to others who have hurt us, we actually participate in the heart posture that God has for all of mankind. Think of all the times humanity has rejected, disrespected, or insulted God – and God still wants to give us mercy! The Bible says that God DELIGHTS in showing mercy!  Matthew 5-7 lays out the culture of the Kingdom that we get to live out on the earth. We need to see others the way JESUS sees them. When we see people the way God sees them, we participate as true citizens of the Upside Down Kingdom. WE no longer look at others through the lens of pain, rejection, hatred, anger, but through Jesus’ eyes of LOVE! Questions for Application - Who is someone that you should extend mercy to? Ask Jesus to help you see them the way He sees them. Prayer "Father, help me to extend mercy to ____. I understand that in order for me to receive mercy from my transgressions against you, I must first extend mercy to those who transgressed against me. Help me to see them the way you see them.” 

Day 6

January 6, 2023

“God blesses those whose hearts are pure, for they will see God.” Matthew 5:8 Have you been desiring to have a real, intimate relationship with God? The fact that you're reading this devotional shows this is something you long for.  This verse in Matthew shows us how to see God and how to grow closer to Him! In order to see God we must have a pure heart.  The word "pure" means: “Not mixed or tainted with any other substance or material.” To have a pure heart doesn’t mean that you must be perfect or never make mistakes, but because of what Jesus has done for us on the cross, we have been made pure by His blood. To live a life of purity before God doesn’t just mean avoiding obvious, sinful temptations in our lives. It goes beyond that! There’s a place in loving God where the question is no longer, “How much can I get away with and it still not be considered sin?”, but rather this cry of our hearts:  “How abandoned and surrendered can I truly be for God?”  There may be things in your life that might not be outright sin, but affect your connection with God. Take for example, social media. Having social media is not a sin, but it can absolutely cause our hearts to feel disconnected to God and can affect the way we see Him. Because we love God so much, anything that hinders our relationship with Him is a no-brainer to go without.  Because of what Jesus has done for us through His blood and broken body on the cross, we have been washed clean from our sinful condition. Purity is so much more than the condition of your body or whether you’re living a lifestyle of sin or not; it’s a condition of the heart. When God looks at us, He no longer sees our stain of sin. He sees a new creation! We have been made pure by Jesus, white as snow. If Jesus gave everything for us to be close to Him, we should desire to give Him every part of our lives.  You don’t strive to be pure. You can’t earn to be pure. Jesus made you pure! It’s not legalism to want to no longer watch those movies, make those jokes, listen to that music, hang out with that crowd… It's love! Those things may not inherently be sin in your life, but Jesus is so worthy of being Lord of all in your life. He gave it all for you to be close to Him.  That's what we signed up for, isn't it? When we give our life to Jesus, Jesus has the full rights to add and subtract anything in our life. But here's good news: anything Jesus takes away, He replaces. He is so much better than any earthly thing! The more you draw near to Him, the more He draws near to you. The more of your heart you give to Him, the more you see God! The more you keep your eyes, your mind, and your heart pure, the more you see God.  Questions for Application - Confess any sins to God so that He can heal your heart and make it pure. - Ask God what things you need to give up in order to seek Him more.  This may be a temporary break, or a permanent change.  Whatever it may be, consider it a sacrifice to God so that you can have more of Him!   Prayer "Father, I understand the cost of purity.  Make my heart pure, no matter what I have to give up.  Remove the impurities and the things that stop me from seeing you properly.  Help me to seek you more, and as I abstain from sin, consecrate my heart to do your will.” 

Day 7

January 7, 2023

“God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God.” Matthew 5:9 There is a difference between keeping the peace, and working for peace. Working for peace in another translation is: “peace maker.” What does it look like to be a maker of peace? We can all agree that if we see bullying in our school, the right thing to do is to step in and report it to a teacher so that the bullying would stop. I think we can all agree that the wrong thing to do is to do nothing, so that we don’t create conflict. This is the difference between working for peace, and keeping the peace.  Keeping the peace is simply avoiding problems and conflict. But God isn’t asking us in this scripture to keep peace – He is asking for His children to be those who work for peace.  Look at what God promises those who work for peace - He considers them His own children! When we live as citizens of the Upside Down Kingdom, we stand up against what is wrong and we stand for what is right, even if it’s not popular or cool. We make peace, because Jesus is the prince of peace. We do this because we have the spirit of God inside of us, who is the God of justice, righteousness, boldness, and truth.  Are you a worker for peace, or are you a keeper of peace?  Do you hang your head down and avoid any kind of conflict at your school amidst bullying or harassment, or do you establish His kingdom wherever you are? If you would describe yourself as a keeper of peace, let’s repent together and God will forgive you so that you can be a worker for peace instead! Remember, there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1). Ask Jesus to give you a spirit of boldness so that you can stand up against injustice in your school, and to be more like Him! Questions for Application - Do you see anything in your school that you know isn’t good?  How can you help make it right?   - What are ways you have seen Jesus make peace happen in really chaotic moments? Both in your personal life, and in the Bible. - In your own words, what does it mean to be a peacekeeper, and a peacemaker? - In what ways does Jesus show that being the Prince of Peace isn’t void of conflict and tension? Prayer "Father, thank you for allowing me to be a child of God. Help me to act like a child of God by being a worker for peace, so that others can feel loved and accepted everywhere I go. Give me the courage to speak up against injustice or bullying at my school, and to stand up for what is right, even if it is unpopular or cool.”