
Day 8 - Intimacy

Chase Durkin • Proverbs 8:17

Proverbs 8:17 “I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me.”

Intimacy is something that is not found in every friendship. It is something special that is reserved for the relationships in your life that are deep & real. Let’s be honest, we do not have the human capacity to be deep with every friend we have, besides that, it would be exhausting! If anything, we have many friendships, but in the midst of them all, there is that ONE individual with whom we relate, connect, & love the most. That is what comes to mind when I think of intimacy with Jesus. He is the friend above all friends because He has never left me and no one knows me as He does. That is why I come to Him with all things, the good & bad, the hard & easy, because when you are truly intimate with someone they know all of who you are, not just the parts you want them to see.

That leads me to this thought: We can’t have intimacy with Jesus if we are not willing for Him to have all of us and us be willing to want all of Him. It takes us being real, vulnerable, and assessing our lives to ask ourselves, “Am I real with Jesus? Does He have access to every place of my Heart? Or is my friendship with Jesus just on the surface?”

The truth is we are all created for intimacy with Jesus and it is easy to do so because that is what we are made for. The hard part is being willing and open enough to go deep. Intimacy is as simple as making the time to invite Jesus in and seek Him. That can be through prayer, devotion, the word, worship, most of all by letting Him into your life completely. Intimacy, at the end of the day, can be seen and known by how close and involved that friend is in your life. True intimacy goes beyond the surface and finds itself in the deep places of your heart when it is just you and Jesus. You are created for this real and deep place with Him. All you have to do is love Him, seek Him first, and keep coming to Him no matter what. There is no friend like Jesus and there is no one more worthy of our love.

Take a moment to pray through the prayer points outlined below. If you are looking for a good song during your prayer time, check out: “Move your Heart (Live)” by Upperroom (https://open.spotify.com/track/5z9AMe...).

- Give Jesus Access - Jesus, I want to be real with you. I give you access to my heart to search me and any parts of my heart that are keeping me from deep friendship with you.
- Increase My Desire - Jesus, I want to seek you more than I seek other things or people. You are the one that satisfies me fully in the intimate areas of my heart.
- Jesus, you are my best friend - Jesus, you are number one in my life. There is no one more deserving to know me deeply like you. I want to grow deeper in this friendship. I want to be intimate with you more than anyone else.

Spend 15 minutes in prayer & worship inviting Jesus into a fresh place of friendship & intimacy.