
Day 4 - Being Born Again

Jeff Mattheis • 2 Corinthians 5:17, John 3:1–21, John 3:3

John 3:1-21

John 3:3 “Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again”

Jesus said that if we want to see the Kingdom of God, we must be born again. What does it mean to be born again? We must surrender our full selves to Jesus. When we do that, the Bible, in 2 Corinthians 5:17, says that we become a NEW CREATION. This means that we are nothing like our old self, we are given a new heart, a new way of thinking, and a fresh start. This is one of the greatest invitations to throw off our sinful life and the shame that comes with it.

Take a moment to pray the prayer outlined below. If you are looking for a good song during your prayer time, check out: “Beautiful Surrender” by Melissa Helser.

Pray this prayer: “Jesus, today I recognize that I have a desperate need for a savior. I need you to rescue me from my sinful ways. I recognize how I have been living is sin and I want to put a stake in the ground today. I commit my whole life to you today. I repent for my sin and believe that Jesus you lived, died, and were resurrected from the dead so that I could be restored in my relationship with you. Thank you for giving yourself for me. I declare you as Lord of my life today. Amen!”

If you haven’t fully given your life to Jesus, let today be the day that you commit your whole life to Jesus with me. Pray the prayer below to give your life fully over to Jesus. This was the best decision I made almost 10 years ago!