
Day 11 - Prayer

Chase Durkin • Matthew 6:6, Mark 1:35, Luke 6:12

Matthew 6:6 “But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”

Prayer is one of the greatest foundations in the life of a follower of Jesus. It is the place where we communicate and grow in our relationship with Him. The place of prayer is the most fought after thing in our lives because there is true power in devotion. That is why today, I want to jump into the biggest questions that surround prayer. That way you understand and see the practicals of prayer. This will encourage you to jump in because you simply see prayer for what it is. These thoughts come from a book that has changed my prayer life, check out Simple Devotion by Micah Wood & Samuel Bentley.

Let’s start here: Matthew 6 is the blueprint for prayer given to us by Jesus. You mean Jesus Himself taught us and gave us a glimpse into how to pray? YES! How amazing and like Jesus to not leave us to figure it out on our own. He so desires us to pray and talk with Him that He has shown us HOW!

Let’s break down the HOW by describing the WHO, WHEN, WHERE, WHY, WHAT of Prayer. We can answer these all through Scripture in Matthew 6:6-13.

WHO? YOU are the WHO of prayer. It is when you pray, that prayer begins and has a place.

WHEN? The time of prayer is decided by you. It is that time you feel to make priority because it allows you to come and seek Jesus. We see through the life of Jesus in scripture, that He had different times He prayed. (Mark 1:35 & Luke 6:12) The time can be whenever for however long, that is up to you. The time we choose should be one that allows us to come without distraction & not to just get it over with, but a time where we can come and make prayer what it is about - time with Jesus.

WHERE? Your bedroom, the park, you choose! We see in Matthew 6 - go into your ROOM. The where can be anywhere that you want to create as a place to pray!

WHY? We pray to see & hear our Father in secret, to know Him more, to make our requests known to God, to be with Him. Prayer is about a relationship and a desire to be with Him, above all!

WHAT? Pray what is on your heart. We see in Matthew 6 that we are not to make prayer just a “duty” or something we accomplish and do to make us feel close to God. Are we actually praying to draw near and grow in Him?
HOW? We go into secret & we close the door. We see prayer for what it is and we fight for it, we create a place where we can be undistracted and approach our Father who sees and hears us, and to grow with Him!

You are created for this place of Prayer to grow and communicate with Jesus. It is in this model of prayer, we find encouragement to make prayer the priority of our lives, and to pursue and fall in love with Jesus unlike ever before, no matter what comes our way! You can start this life of Prayer & Devotion as soon as you want, you got this!

Reference - Simple Devotion by Micah Wood & Samuel Bentley - The Ramp

Take a moment to pray through the prayer points outlined below. If you are looking for a good song during your prayer time, check out: “Hidden” by United Pursuit (ft. Will Reagan) (https://open.spotify.com/track/3ChZ1D...).

Pray through these prayer points:
A Personal Blueprint for Prayer - Jesus, I ask you to show me what the Who, What, When, Where, & Why looks like for me personally.
A Desire to Pray - Jesus, I want a heart & spirit that desires to pray and make it a priority in my life.
Eyes to See - Jesus, I ask that you give me eyes to see what prayer truly is and that in my eyes being opened, I see you more than I ever have!

CHALLENGE: Write out the WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY for yourself & put it where you can see it, keep it in front of you as you grow in prayer as a reminder!