
Day 1 - The Gospel

Dominic Russo • John 3:16–17

Imagine this with me: You go to your favorite restaurant to buy $100 worth of delicious food, and when you get there, a man with unlimited money asks to pay for all of your food. When he asks this, you decline because you think that you have enough money to pay for all of the food that you ordered. As time goes by, you realize that you actually don't have enough money to pay for the food. After you realize this, the man offers to pay for the food again, and this time you accept the money, and the debt of $100 is paid.

The food in this scenario represents sin. Anytime we break one of God’s divine laws (which we do a lot) would be considered sin. Since God is perfectly just, we have a price to pay for our sins. The price of the food ($100) represents the price we would have to pay for our sin, which is spending eternity away from God in a place full of suffering called Hell. The man in this story represents God, and the money he has represents the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. God sent himself to Earth in the flesh, as Jesus, to die for the sins of the world by being crucified on a cross. The thing is, the money doesn't pay for the food unless you actually accept it from the kind man. Similarly, the sacrifice of Jesus doesn't actually pay for one’s sins until he accepts the sacrifice by putting faith in Jesus Christ.

The issue is, many people in the world truly believe in Heaven and Hell, but they think the amount of "good" things they do will determine whether or not they will go to Heaven. In reality, the only way to go to Heaven is by the grace of God through our faith in Jesus Christ. As followers of Christ, we have an obligation to tell the world about this good news. None of us are able to pay for our sin, but we have a voice to tell everyone about a man who is more than able to pay for it all.

Day 2 - The Bible

Marcela Barcelona • Psalm 119:9–24, Psalm 119:97–105

The Bible is one of the most important attributes of our faith. It is the bedrock of everything we believe and trust in. Without it, we have nothing to base our life and experience on. We can say that with such certainty because the Bible itself says in John 1 that Jesus Himself is the Word! He is the Word that became flesh. All throughout the pages of scripture, Jesus is making Himself known, everything within the Bible is written to reveal and point us towards Jesus Christ and His good news! Psalm 119 is David’s psalm of love for the Word of God. You’ll notice every verse mentions SOMETHING about the scripture—A “testimony,” A “precept,” a “commandment,” a “law,” “Your Word.” These are all different ways David talks with such passionate love for the Holy Scriptures! It almost feels more like a love song than a psalm about the Bible. Rightfully so, because David had a revelation that “those who love Your law have great peace, and nothing causes them to stumble.” (Psalm 119:165) This is how important it was to David. He talks about rising early, staying up late, and meditating on the Scriptures as much as physically possible. This is right in line with what Jesus Himself teaches when He says, “if you abide in me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you!” (John 15:7)Wow, this seems important to keep reading the Bible! No wonder there is such opposition and distraction keeping us from spending time in the Word. The devil knows the fruit it will produce! Spend time meditating on Psalm 119 today and let God fill you with fresh passion and hunger for His Word!

Day 3 - The Trinity

Francis Chan • John 1:1–5, John 1:14

In this short devotional, we will attempt to understand the mystery of The Trinity of God! First, we have to remember that scholars have spent their lives aiming to grasp the knowledge of who God is, yet we have only scratched the surface of understanding! So here are some basics. God is just ONE being with THREE individual persons. All three persons have existed together from the beginning and share one identity, yet have three individual roles! John 1 says God has existed from the beginning with “the Word” who is Jesus, and “the Word” was with God. In the Old Testament, the way God is most commonly known is “Father.” In the New Testament, we see this Father sends his Son, the second part of the Trinity, who is Jesus Christ. John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world that He sent his only Son.” Jesus himself is also all-powerful and is fully God and fully man. John 5:19 says, “Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.” Jesus perfectly reflects the Father. The third part of the Trinity is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of God and a distinct person of the Trinity! As Jesus dies and is resurrected, he sends the Holy Spirit to come fill the believers in his place, because it is better for Him to go be with the Father! The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God and makes a home inside Christians! 2 Corinthians 3:17 begins like this: “Now THE LORD IS THE SPIRIT . . .” and Jesus also says, “. . . the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things.” Through the gift of the Holy Spirit, God literally lives inside of believers and guides their lives! Deuteronomy 6:4 says, “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one.” God is three persons within ONE God. They interact in perfect unity and do only what the other does. As believers we aim to grasp the mysteries of God through study and prayer! As you study, ask God to reveal himself to you, and remain in awe of the fact that the all-powerful God of the universe wants to have a personal relationship with YOU!

Day 4 - Prayer

Corey Russell • Matthew 6:6–13

Prayer (along with reading the Bible) is one of the key foundations of a believer’s relationship with Jesus. Through these things, we truly connect, communicate, and grow with Jesus. Imagine with me for a second: Let’s say you meet a new friend, you hang out, and it's one of the greatest experiences of your life! You enjoyed it so much, yet after meeting them you don’t make a way to stay in touch and develop your friendship greater. Wouldn’t it seem like that awesome moment of meeting would be for nothing? Especially, when there is a deeper relationship and moments ahead to get to know each other. This example is how so many of us step into a relationship with Jesus. We meet Him, and it changes our life, but we don’t know how to grow this friendship greater. In the end, not knowing the importance of prayer can lead us to struggle in our relationship with Jesus or neglect it altogether. Prayer grows this friendship with Jesus because it is our communication with Him! Prayer is not just saying a list of wants, needs, and telling God our problems. We pray because it is the place we come to actually spend time with Him. Prayer, like a friendship, has to start somewhere. Let’s share some thoughts and ways to jump into this relationship. How and when do I pray? Matthew 6:6 is a great model! Start by creating a place and time where you meet with Jesus. That can be your bedroom or outside, before or after school; just find that place and time to “close the door” where it is just you and Him, with no distractions. What and how do I pray? Again, let's look at the model Jesus gave us Himself in Matthew 6. Share with Jesus how much He means to you; start with worship, “Hallowed be Your Name!” From there just share what is on your heart actually speaking to Him with your voice. There is no right or wrong way to pray. You don’t have to overthink prayer, but see it for what it is, spending time with Jesus, sharing our hearts, hearing His voice, and growing with Him! Prayer is the place we have all been given to meet and grow with Jesus. There is so much for you to grow into! Be encouraged; the greatest friendships simply start in the smallest of ways. This journey of prayer is ahead of you; go for it!