
It's Only A Test


August 12, 2023 • Pastor Maurice Watson • Genesis 2:1–13

Have you ever asked God why? If so, you're in good company - even Jesus questioned God in the midst of His test. Sometimes God will allow hardships in our lives in order to test our faith in HIM! It's easy to trust God when life is good and the blessings are flowing abundantly, but what happens when you lose something or someone that you love? We must learn to hold what we love with open hands.

God is faithful. He's God in good times and the hard times, and even if we don't know the purpose for the test, we rest assured that God already has a plan in motion.

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Anger: Is It Bad or Good?

August 5, 2023 • Pastor Bryan Loritts • James 1:19–27

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Made For Greatness

July 23, 2023 • Pastor Matt Anderson • Joshua 3:1–4

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The Kind Of Person God Uses

July 16, 2023 • Pastor Zairreus Patterson • Nehemiah 1:1–4

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