
The One Who Is Enough

Enough, Part 3

May 27, 2018 • Kim Edmondson

We will never be ENOUGH- so we must run to the ONE who is our ENOUGH. When God looks at us He sees that we are Holy, made right, forgiven, complete, chosen, accepted and dearly loved. And there is not one of these areas of that we will ever be able to accomplish on our own.We must surrender what is out of our control to the ONE who is in control. To our Great God. He has all of the wisdom, all of the answers, all of the strength, all of the energy that we are trying so hard to generate on our own. We must replace the lies of not ENOUGH with the truth. Enough is a mirage. Enough is an illusion. Only in Jesus will we ever find our ENOUGH. And, the amazing thing about all of this is that because HE IS ENOUGH - we don’t have to be.

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