
The Problem with the Gospels

The Problem of Jesus, part 1

February 6, 2022 • Dr. Carlo Serrano • John 5:31–47, John 1:29–34

Jesus upends everything we ever thought about God, ourselves, and what life is all about. From demons to miracles, from why we tell lies to questions about heaven, hell, and the purpose of our lives--Jesus speaks to every area of life, even the topics we don’t want him to talk about. Every person must make their own decision about Jesus. You must investigate him and his claims as if your life depends on it. Because it does.
BIG IDEA: Your response to Jesus is the most important decision you will ever make.

The Problem of Jesus As God

February 27, 2022 • Dr. Carlo Serrano • John 14:1–4, Matthew 7:7–29, Philippians 2:1–11

What makes Christianity different from any other religion is that God actually entered our world and became human. “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son [Jesus] from the Father” (John 1:14). If this is true, isn’t it worth breaking from the busyness of your life to listen to what he has to say, to learn from what he did? Don’t you want to lean into the One who understands what it’s like to be human? BIG IDEA: Jesus as God means God is with us and for us!

The Problem of Miracles

February 20, 2022 • Dr. Carlo Serrano • Mark 1:16–45, John 2:1–12

What do we do with the millions of stories held by rational, credible people that defy all logic? Belief in miracles is seen by skeptics as something for the ancient mind - the naive and uninformed - and not for modern, scientific, rational people. But what if miracles are actually probable given the universe in which we live? What if the miracles we read about in the accounts of Jesus’ life on earth really did happen? What would those miracles mean to us in our world today? Jesus’ miracles weren’t an end unto themselves. They relayed messages about God, love, humankind, and life. BIG IDEA: The miracles of Jesus aren’t about our goodness, they’re about His goodness and for His glory.

The Problem of Loving God

February 13, 2022 • Dr. Carlo Serrano • Matthew 22:34–40, Mark 12:28–34

Jesus was asked to sum up all of the commandments in the Bible with the single greatest command. His response was: Love God with your whole self. So why does it seem so scandalous to live out the command to love God? Contrary to what you might think, the topic of loving God is one of the most neglected ideas in modern Christianity. BIG IDEA: Being in love with God is better than just believing in God.