
Must Be Nice

Why Her?, Part 1

May 8, 2022 • Kim Edmondson • Ephesians 6:12, Genesis 28:1–2, Genesis 29:4–30

Whether we like to admit it or not, we all tend to base our worth and value on one thing: how we measure up to the people around us. We compare ourselves to others, and as we will see, trying to measure up only brings us down.
THE BIG IDEA: Comparison is a battle to see whose truth—ours or God’s—we will allow to rule our thoughts and actions.

More from Why Her?

You be You

May 22, 2022 • Kim Edmondson • Genesis 30:1–24

What would happen if you dared to forget about all your thoughts and feelings about “HER” and focused on the fact that God remembers you. Because ultimately- in our struggle of “Why Her” – it has less to do with who “she” is and what “she” has- and more to do with- TRUSTING God to be who HE is and do what HE Says HE WILL DO. If I really trust Him, if I really want to build my life on Him, if I really want to find contentment, if I really want to live fully in all that He has purposed for me then- I MUST be more like Jesus and less like HER. THE BIG IDEA: Being more like Jesus and less like everyone else, lets YOU be YOU.

Maybe Now

May 15, 2022 • Kim Edmondson • Genesis 29:31–35, Genesis 30:1–8

No one has a perfect life, no matter how much is looks like from the outside. We must learn to see it like it really is. Because our thoughts and perceptions about our lives are rarely based on reality. We’ve all got our places of secrets and ugliness, but for some of us, it’s just more hidden. Often what we NEED to see and what we WANT to see are worlds apart. And we end up longing for a life that was NEVER intended for us in the first place. And in the process, we miss out on all of the great things God has planned for us. The Big Idea: Competition erodes our confidence and keeps us striving to reach unrealistic standards.