
Part 2: How to Have it all

All About the Benjamins

November 25, 2018 • Dr. Carlo Serrano • Philippians 4:8–18, Ecclesiastes 5:10–11, 1 Timothy 6:6–10

Is it possible to “have it all” without all of the “stuff”? We crave more money and more stuff because of what they seem to give us. Having lots of money in the bank gives us a sense of security. Having stuff available gives us a sense of peace. However, if we aren’t careful, our stuff can have us.

Part3: Buy Now, You Will Pay Later

December 2, 2018 • Dr. Carlo Serrano • Luke 19:1–9

The average American keeps over $8500 in credit card debt and when you count school loans, mortgages, etc. that goes up even higher. What if there was a way to enjoy a life that did not include being a slave to debt? What if money wasn’t the biggest thing keeping us from getting out of debt?

Part 1: Beyond Paycheck to Paycheck

October 28, 2018 • Chris Edmondson • Luke 16:11, Proverbs 3:9–10, Proverbs 27:23–24, Proverbs 6:6–8, Malachi 3:10

The number one reason couples get a divorce isn’t adultery or abuse—it’s debt! At one time, 54 percent of the divorces in the U.S. were related to financial pressures. That shouldn’t surprise us. The Bible makes it clear that it’s just plain foolishness not to manage your money well. And foolishness never ends well. So often our culture convinces us to buy now and pay later. The average American puts $1,300 on his credit card for every $1,000 he makes. That leads straight to debt, and God calls that stupid! No one just drifts into debt — or out of it, either. Deciding to build your financial future on the commitment to be responsible starts with intentionality. After you’ve made that important commitment, you need a plan to get there.