
Man Up

Bad Ink, Part 2

May 4, 2014 • Dr. Carlo Serrano • 1 Samuel 9:1–6, 1 Samuel 15:24–26, Proverbs 22:1

In our culture the definition of masculinity has been blurred. Most men in our culture if they are honest have a nagging question that won’t go away. It goes something like this, “there must be more than this?”
So often men, out of a sense of deep dissatisfaction seek to express their masculinity in different ways. Some seek to prove themselves through business and the acquisition of wealth. Some through athletics and physical prowess. Some through power and status. The truth is that being savvy in business, or good at making money, or physically strong, or a powerful leader can all be very good things, as long as they are accompanied by other “manly” characteristics that get less press. We want to talk about both. So men, let's adjust our cup and Man Up!

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